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Parents’ attitudes towards the content of sex education in the USA: Associations with religiosity and political orientation
<Sex Education>, 24 (1), January 2024
[Abstract] While most parents support their adolescents receiving school-based sex education, there is variability in which sex education topics receive the most support from parents. Conservative political orientation and greater religiosity have been independently associated with parents’ lack of support for school-based sex education; however, no studies have examined the intersection of these two factors. The three goals of this study were to: 1) identify how specific sexual education topics cluster together to form content areas; 2) examine if religiosity and political orientation are uniquely associated with these content areas; and 3) examine if political orientation moderates the relationship between parents’ religiosity and their perceived importance for the specific sex education content areas. Participants were a national sample of 881 US parents. The sex education topics clustered into three content areas: Factual Knowledge (e.g., STI transmission), Practical Skills (e.g., how to access condoms), and Pleasure and Identity (e.g., pleasurable aspects of sex). Politically conservative and more religious parents reported the lowest perceived importance for each content area. Importantly, these main effects were qualified by a significant interaction: parents who reported both political conservativism and high levels of religiosity reported the lowest perceived importance for these three content areas being taught.
[Key Words] Sex education; parenting; religion; political orientation
论文原文:Jeffrey L. Hurst, Laura Widman, Julia Brasileiro, Anne J. Maheux, Reina Evans-Paulson & Sophia Choukas-Bradley (2024). Parents’ attitudes towards the content of sex education in the USA: Associations with religiosity and political orientation. Sex Education. Volume 24, Issue 1, Pages 108-124.