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已有 547 次阅读2023-12-28 14:48 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


WHO announces the development of a guideline on the health of trans and gender diverse people



<WHO-News>, Published online: December 18, 2023


世卫组织-性别、权利和公平部门 - 多样性、公平和包容性 (GRE-DEI)、全球艾滋病毒、肝炎和性传播感染规划 (HHS) 以及性与生殖健康与研究 (SRH) 正在制定跨性别者和性别多元化人群的健康指南。




根据世卫组织指南制定指南,指南制定小组 (GDG) 将由来自世卫组织所有区域的成员组成,以个人身份行事(不代表其所属的任何组织)。GDG的成员没有受委托,也没有获得任何经济补偿。本指南的GDG成员由世卫组织技术人员从具有相关技术专长的研究人员、最终用户(项目经理和卫生工作者)以及跨性别和性别多元化社区组织的代表中选出。











WHO's Departments of Gender, Rights and Equity - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (GRE-DEI), Global HIV, Hepatitis and Sexually Transmitted Infections Programmes (HHS), and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research (SRH) are developing a guideline on the health of trans and gender diverse people.


This new guideline will provide evidence and implementation guidance on health sector interventions aimed at increasing access and utilization of quality and respectful health services by trans and gender diverse people. The guideline will focus in 5 areas: provision of gender-affirming care, including hormones; health workers education and training for the provision of gender-inclusive care; provision of health care for trans and gender diverse people who suffered interpersonal violence based in their needs; health policies that support gender-inclusive care, and legal recognition of self-determined gender identity. 


Following WHO guidance for guideline development a guideline development group (GDG) will be composed of members from all WHO regions acting in their individual capacity (not representing any organization with which they are affiliated). The members of the GDG are not commissioned and do not receive any financial compensation. Members of the GDG for this guideline were chosen by WHO technical staff among researchers with relevant technical expertise, among end-users (programme managers and health workers) and among representatives of trans and gender diverse community organisations.


The GDG will meet from 19 to 21 February 2024 at WHO’s headquarters in Geneva to:


examine the grading of recommendations assessment, development and evaluation (GRADE) evidence profiles or other assessments of the quality of the evidence used to inform the recommendations on the 5 above mentioned areas;

interpret the evidence, with explicit consideration of the overall balance of benefits and harms;

formulate recommendations, taking into account benefits, harms, values and preferences, feasibility, equity, acceptability, resource requirements and other factors, as appropriate; and

suggest implementation considerations and highlight research gaps for the guidelines.


In line with WHO policy on conflict of interest, members of the public and interested organizations can access the biographies of the GDG members for this guideline and inform WHO of their views about them. The list comprises 21 members. All comments should be sent by email to hiv-aids@who.int by 8 January 2024.










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