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已有 382 次阅读2023-12-25 17:17 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


 Interventions addressing loneliness amongst university students: a systematic review



<Child and Adolescent Mental Health > 2023, 28 (4)


【摘要】背景:孤独不利于心理健康,大学生比其他人群感到孤独的风险更高。然而,很少有研究探索减少学生孤独感的干预措施。本综述确定了针对大学生的干预措施的特点和有效性。方法:PsycINFOMedlineASSIAWeb of Science 从一开始就使用与孤独干预学生相关的关键词进行搜索。相关同行和非同行评审的英文文章涉及以孤独为结果实施干预措施以及调查高等教育机构的本科生或研究生的研究,均被纳入质量分析和叙述综合。在研究层面和结果层面评估偏倚风险。结果:我们纳入了28篇文章,其中包括25篇定量研究和3篇定性研究,涵盖37项干预措施,其中大部分在美国实施。干预措施基于心理教育、社会支持小组、增加社会互动或反思练习。参与者 (n=2339) 的年龄范围为17.62岁至25岁(平均年龄20.63)。随机对照试验的证据表明,大多数干预措施都会影响孤独感结果,但益处的大小尚不清楚。在定量研究中,80% (16/20) 基于社会支持团体、增加社交互动或反思练习的干预措施以及50% (7/14) 基于心理教育的干预措施被认为可有效减少孤独感。大多数定量测量的干预措施都是在小组环境中实施的,无论干预措施如何,其中三分之二的干预措施被认为可以有效降低孤独感分数。结论:大学可以选择干预措施来帮助减少学生在校园或虚拟环境中的孤独感。促进社会联系的人似乎更成功。这需要在更多国家进行更多高质量的研究,同时考虑到弱势学生群体。



[Abstract] Background: Loneliness is detrimental to mental health, with university students at higher risk of feeling lonely than other population groups. However, little research has explored interventions to reduce loneliness among students. This review identifies the characteristics and effectiveness of interventions targeting university/college students. Methods: PsycINFO, Medline, ASSIA and Web of Science were searched from inception using keywords linked to ‘loneliness’, ‘intervention’ and ‘students’. Relevant peer and nonpeer-reviewed English-language articles on studies implementing an intervention with loneliness as an outcome and investigating undergraduate or postgraduate students at a higher education institution were included for quality analysis and narrative synthesis. Risk of bias was assessed at both study level and at outcome level. Results: Twenty-eight articles were included, comprising 25 quantitative and three qualitative studies, covering 37 interventions, most implemented in the United States. Interventions were based on psychoeducation, social support groups, increasing social interaction or reflective exercises. The age of the participants (n =2339) ranged from 17.62 to 25 (mean age 20.63) years. Evidence from the RCTs suggests that most interventions influenced loneliness outcomes, but the magnitude of the benefit is unclear. Across quantitative studies, 80% (16/20) of interventions based on either social support groups, increasing social interaction or reflective exercises, and 50% (7/14) of interventions based on psychoeducation were deemed effective in reducing loneliness. Most interventions measured quantitatively were delivered in a group setting, of which two thirds were considered effective in reducing loneliness scores, regardless of intervention. Conclusions: Universities have a choice of interventions to help reduce loneliness among students either on campus or virtually. Ones promoting social connectedness appear to be more successful. More high-quality studies in a larger number of countries are needed, taking vulnerable student groups into consideration.

[Key words] Students; university; college; mental health; loneliness; social connectedness; interventions; prevention


论文原文:Olivia Betty Ellard, Christina Dennison, Helena Tuomainen (2023). Interventions addressing loneliness amongst university students: a systematic review. Child and Adolescent Mental Health. Volume 28, Issue 4, Pages: 512-523. November 2023.










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