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推进老年的性、性别和公平研究的未来研究蓝图:从自豪地老龄化、国家健康、老龄化和性 ...

热度 1已有 1207 次阅读2023-7-20 19:45 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


Blueprint for Future Research Advancing the Study of Sexuality, Gender, and Equity in Later Life: Lessons Learned from Aging with Pride, The National Health, Aging, and Sexuality/Gender Study (NHAS)



<The Gerontologist>, 2023, Volume 63, Issue 2





[Abstract] While interest in sexuality\research is growing, in the past, it has been largely invisible in gerontology. By exploring the full range and dimensions of sexuality and their interrelationships with multiple factors, this article presents conceptual, substantive, and methodological advances for the field of sexuality in later life. Based on the Sexual Equity Framework, an extension of the Health Equity Promotion Model, this article highlights the heterogeneity and intersectionality of sexuality across the life course, examining how historical and contemporary contexts frame key dimensions of sexuality at multiple levels (intrapersonal, interpersonal, sociocultural, and structural) and their relationship with sexual quality of life. Utilizing findings from Aging with Pride: National Health, Aging and Sexuality/Gender Study, the heterogeneity and intersectionality of age, gender, race, and ethnicity are critical to understanding sexuality and its dimensions in later life. Many adults experience changes in sexual and gender identities over time. Affirming sexual and gender identities, social connections, and health-promoting behaviors are positively associated with sexual quality of life, while sexual stigma and marginalization have adverse consequences. The study of sexuality needs to be fully integrated into gerontology. The Sexual Equity Framework explicates the potential deleterious effect of historical and contemporary structures on sexuality as well the important roles of affirmation, agency, and resilience among older adults, and recognizes the important role of human rights to advance sexual quality of life. Important directions for future research, practices, and policies are outlined.

[Key words] Diverse, Gender equity, Life span, Quality of life, Sexual equity


论文原文:Karen Fredriksen-Goldsen (2023). Blueprint for Future Research Advancing the Study of Sexuality, Gender, and Equity in Later Life: Lessons Learned from Aging with Pride, The National Health, Aging, and Sexuality/ Gender Study (NHAS). The Gerontologist, Volume 63, Issue 2, Pages 373–381.










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