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已有 465 次阅读2023-5-29 15:34 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


New directions in male-tailored psychotherapy for depression



——< Frontiers Psychology> 2023; 14: 1146078——


【摘要】审查目的:关于男性应该如何行事的社会、文化和背景规范(所谓的传统男性意识形态;TMI),影响男性对抑郁障碍的表现、心理治疗的使用和治疗参与。然而,直到最近,针对抑郁障碍的男性定制心理治疗方法才被开发出来,其目的是系统地软化功能失调的 TMI。 在这篇综述中,我们概述了必要的基础工作以及 TMI、男性求助、男性抑郁障碍及其相互关联性研究的最新进展。 随后,我们讨论了这些发现对针对男性的抑郁障碍心理治疗的潜在价值。最近的发现:一项针对男性的心理教育计划的初步评估发现,针对男性的心理教育文本可以减少负面影响和羞耻感,并可能引发从外化抑郁症状转向更典型的抑郁症状。James’ Place 项目是一项为男性量身定制的社区服务,改善了自杀男性的整体健康、问题、功能和自杀风险。program 是一个针对男性抑郁障碍的电子健康资源,据报道全球对其网站的兴趣很高,而且还在不断增加,访问者参与度很高。 Man Therapy 在线资源改善了抑郁症状、自杀意念和求助行为。 最后,Men in Mind 计划是一项针对临床从业者的在线培训计划,它提高了从业者参与和支持男性参与治疗的能力。概括:根据 TMI研究的最新进展,为男性量身定制的抑郁障碍心理治疗计划可能会提高治疗效果、参与度和依从性。虽然最近对个别男性定制治疗方案的初步分析显示出有希望的结果,但评估这些方案的广泛而系统的初步研究尚未完成,但非常需要。



[Abstract] Purpose of review: Societal, cultural, and contextual norms about how men should be and behave (so called traditional masculinity ideologies; TMI) affect men’s presentation of depressive disorders, psychotherapy use, and treatment engagement. Only recently, however, male-tailored psychotherapy approaches for depressive disorders have been developed, which aim to systematically soften dysfunctional TMI. In this review, we outline the necessary groundwork as well as recent advances in research on TMI, men’s help-seeking, male depression, and their interrelatedness. Subsequently, we discuss the potential value of these findings for male-tailored psychotherapy for depressive disorders. Recent findings: A preliminary evaluation of a male-specific psychoeducation program found that a male-specific psychoeducation text could reduce negative affect as well as state shame and potentially elicit a shift from externalizing depression symptoms toward more prototypical depression symptoms. The James’ Place program, a male-tailored community-based service, improved suicidal men’s overall well-being, problems, functioning, and suicide risk. The Heads Up Guys! program, an eHealth resource aimed at depressed men, reported a high and increasing global interest in their website, with considerable visitor engagement. The Man Therapy online resource improved depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation, and help-seeking behavior. Finally, the Men in Mind program, an online training program for clinical practitioners, increased practitioners’ capacity to engage and support men in therapy. Summary: Male-tailored psychotherapy programs for depressive disorders, which are informed by recent advances in TMI research, may potentially increase therapeutic effectiveness, engagement, and adherence. While recent preliminary analyses of individual male-tailored treatment programs show promising results, extensive and systematic primary studies evaluating these programs are pending but greatly needed.

[Key words]  depressive disorders, traditional masculinity ideologies, male depression, maletailored psychotherapy, treatment engagement, treatment effectiveness


论文原文:Lukas Eggenberger, Ulrike Ehlert, and Andreas Walther (2023). New directions in male-tailored psychotherapy for depression. Frontiers Psychology. 2023; 14: 1146078. Published online 2023 Apr 18.










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