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已有 571 次阅读2023-5-25 16:52 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

An Examination of Factors That Influence Receipt of Reproductive Health Screenings Among Female Veterans



<Military Medicine>, 2023, Volume 188 Issue 1-2


【摘要】引言随着女性退伍军人人数的增加,确保她们得到及时医疗保健的需求也越来越大,包括预防性生殖健康筛查,如宫颈癌筛查和乳房X光检查。然而,对于退伍军人的生殖健康筛查率以及可能与筛查相关的因素知之甚少。这项横断面研究的目的是 (1) 了解女性退伍军人寻求医疗保健治疗的经历,(2) 确定宫颈癌和乳腺癌筛查指南的依从率,以及 (3) 检查依从性的潜在相关性临床生殖健康筛查指南。材料和方法:女性退伍军人完成了一项电子管理的调查,该调查评估了个人特征、心理健康症状、兵役历史、健康保险状况、寻求医疗保健的经历(例如,对护理的障碍和满意度),以及接受宫颈癌和乳腺癌筛查。多变量逻辑回归确定了与遵守宫颈癌和乳腺癌筛查临床指南相关的因素。结果:在参与的 90 名女性(平均年龄 =38.78SD =12.19)中,64 (71.10%) 报告符合所有年龄适用的筛查指南。 获得女性医疗保健的最常见障碍是方便的预约时间、在您的日程安排中找到时间进行预约和预约,以及预约的漫长等待时间。 多变量逻辑回归显示,没有正规女性保健提供者的退伍军人比有正规提供者的退伍军人更不可能遵守指南 (OR = 0.1695% CI0.04-0.57)讨论:许多女退伍军人无法接受生殖健康检查,需要继续努力来确定如何提高这一独特人群的依从性。


[Abstract] Introduction: As the number of women veterans grows, so does the need to ensure they receive timely health care, including preventive reproductive health screenings such as cervical cancer screenings and mammograms. However, little is known about the rates of reproductive health screenings among veterans and what factors may be related to screening. The objectives of this cross-sectional study were to (1) understand healthcare treatment-seeking experiences among women veterans, (2) determine the rate of adherence to screening guidelines for cervical and breast cancers, and (3) examine potential correlates of adherence to clinical reproductive health screening guidelines. Materials and Methods: Women veterans completed an electronically administered survey, which assessed personal characteristics, psychological health symptoms, military service history, health insurance status, healthcare-seeking experiences (e.g., barriers to and satisfaction with care), and receipt of cervical and breast cancer screenings. Multivariable logistic regression identified factors associated with adherence to clinical guidelines for cervical and breast cancer screening. Results: Of the 90 women (mean age=38.78; SD=12.19) who participated, 64 (71.10%) reported meeting all age-applicable screening guidelines. The most common barriers to obtaining women’s healthcare were availability of convenient appointment times, finding time in your schedule to make and go to an appointment, and long wait times for appointments. Multivariable logistic regression revealed veterans without a regular women’s health provider were less likely to adhere to guidelines than those with a regular provider (OR=0.16; 95% CI, 0.04-0.57). Discussion: Many women veterans are unable to receive reproductive health screenings; continued efforts are needed to determine how to increase adherence in this unique population.

论文原文:Madisen Ferras, Judy Dye, Guadalupe X Ayala, Emily Schmied, MPH (2023). An Examination of Factors That Influence Receipt of Reproductive Health Screenings Among Female Veterans. Military Medicine, 188 (1-2): 42–48.









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