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生物教师在具有认知洞察力的健康和幸福教育中的作用:英语关系、性和健康教育课程的案 ...

已有 659 次阅读2023-4-6 20:42 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


The role of biology teachers in epistemically insightful health and wellbeing education: a case study of the English relationships, sex and health education curriculum


<Journal of Biological Education> Published online: 17 Jan 2023


【摘要】 在全球大流行之后的时期,促进健康和福祉是学校的优先领域。与此同时,越来越多的人呼吁通过跨学科领域的全儿童/全学校方法来提供健康和福祉教育。虽然大多数人可能很清楚纯粹的科学性教育是不可取的,但生物学在培养学生对各种健康和福祉主题的理解方面发挥着至关重要的作用,包括那些围绕性、性行为和性健康的主题,这一点也很明显。在本文中,我们通过对英语关系、性和健康教育课程与英语生物学课程的案例研究比较,探讨了生物学教师对学校综合健康和福祉教育的贡献。英格兰和许多其他国家和地区司法管辖区的生物教师在一个划分系统中运作,这可能会给学生和教师带来挫败感和焦虑,因为他们要在不同学科孤岛中应对敏感话题的复杂性。在学校组织结构的宏观、中观和微观层面概念化的具有认识论洞察力的方法,可能为生物学教师和教育领导者提供一种应对和克服其中一些挑战的方法。



[Abstract] In the period following a global pandemic, the promotion of health and wellbeing is a priority area for schools. This accompanies growing calls for health and wellbeing education to be delivered through a whole-child/whole-school approach that connects across subject areas. While it may be clear to most people that a purely scientific sexuality education is undesirable, it is also clear that biology plays a vital role in developing students’ understanding about a variety of health and wellbeing topics, including those around sex, sexuality and sexual health. In this article, we explore the contribution of the biology teacher to an integrated health and wellbeing education in schools through a case study comparison of the English Relationships, Sex and Health Education curriculum and the English biology curriculum. Biology teachers in England and many other national and regional jurisdictions operate in a compartmentalised system which can create frustration and anxiety for both students and teachers when navigating the complexities of how sensitive topics are delivered in different disciplinary siloes. Epistemically insightful approaches, conceptualised at the macro-, meso- and micro-level of school organisational structures, may provide a way for biology teachers and educational leaders to address and overcome some of these challenges.

[Key words] health and wellbeing; sexuality education; sexual health; gender; epistemic insight; interdisciplinary education


论文原文:Joshua M. Heyes  & Berry Billingsley (2023). The role of biology teachers in epistemically insightful health and wellbeing education: a case study of the English relationships, sex and health education curriculum. Journal of Biological Education. Published online: 17 Jan 2023.










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