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基于戏剧的干预措施对青少年性健康教育的影响:一项系统评价 ... ... ...

已有 600 次阅读2023-3-23 15:48 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


The Impact of Theatre-Based Interventions for Sexual Health Education to Adolescents: A Systematic Review


<Journal of Holistic Nursing and Midwifery> 2023, 33 (1)


【摘要】简介:性教育项目对青少年来说是必要的。根据文献,青少年发现以戏剧为基础的干预比传统的说教教学方法更容易接受和难忘。目的:本研究旨在总结所有可用的主要研究,其中包括以戏剧为基础的干预措施,以对青少年进行性健康教育。材料和方法:在本系统评价中,在 Web of SciencePubMedScopusScienceDirectProQuestMagiranSID IranDoc 的数据库中搜索了2011年至 2021年以英语或波斯语撰写的研究。定量和混合 - 选择了以戏剧为基础的性教育干预方法研究。结果:所有7项选定的研究都确定了以戏剧为基础的性教育对性活动和性传播疾病的影响,以及四项关于与性健康相关的心理问题健康关系性暴力的研究。研究的结果包括增加知识和自我效能,改善对性健康的态度,第一次性行为的预期年龄,以及安全套使用中风险较低的行为。此外,两项研究确定了以戏剧为基础的青少年性教育的适当方法。结论:戏剧是一种有吸引力且有效的青少年性教育方法。建议对青少年进行进一步的基于戏剧的干预研究不仅应强调生殖的生物学方面,而且应侧重于获得健康的行为。



[Abstract] Introduction: Sexual education programs are necessary for adolescents. According to the literature, adolescents find theater-based interventions more acceptable and memorable than traditional didactic teaching methods. Objective: This study aims to summarize all the available primary research with theater-based interventions for sexual health education to adolescents. Materials and Methods: In this systematic review, studies were searched in the databases of Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, ProQuest, Magiran, SID, and IranDoc, which were written in English or Farsi from 2011 to 2021. Quantitative and mix-method studies with a theater-based intervention for sexual education were selected. Results: All of the 7 selected studies determined the impact of theater-based sex education on sexual activity and sexually transmitted diseases, and four studies on “psychological issues related to sexual health “or “healthy relationship” or “sexual violence.” The outcomes of the studies included increasing knowledge and self-efficacy and improving attitudes regarding sexual health, the intended age of first sex, and less risky behavior in condom usage. Also, two studies determined the appropriate method for theater-based sex education for adolescents. Conclusion:  Theater is an attractive and effective method of sexual education for adolescents. It is recommended that further interventional theater-based studies on adolescents should not only emphasize the biological aspects of reproduction but also focus on acquiring healthy behaviors.

[Key words] Theatre, Sex education, Sexuality, Adolescent


论文原文:Farhad Mohandespour, Razieh Maasoumi, HassanAli Pourmand, Sayed Najmedin Amir Shahkarami , Faezeh Daemi (2023).The Impact of Theatre-Based Interventions for Sexual Health Education to Adolescents: A Systematic Review. Journal of Holistic Nursing and Midwifery. 33 (1): 34-42










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