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自闭症青少年在 COVID-19 期间接受远程心理干预的经历

已有 797 次阅读2023-3-19 16:06 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

自闭症青少年在 COVID-19 期间接受远程心理干预的经历

Autistic young people’s experiences of remote psychological interventions during COVID-19



<Autism> First published online January 16, 2023.


【摘要】远程精神病学已被迅速采用,以帮助控制冠状病毒的传播。 临床医生对被诊断患有自闭症谱系障碍的人提出了担忧。心理干预的远程咨询尤其需要进一步关注,因为他们的面对面咨询存在与自闭症谱系障碍相关的挑战,这些挑战与远程精神病学的挑战广泛重叠(即超越自闭症谱系障碍)。因此,我们对自闭症服务使用者(15-18 岁,n = 6)和与该客户群体一起工作的临床医生(n = 8)进行了采访,了解他们在大流行期间进行远程心理干预的经历。样本大小是使用预先注册的主题饱和度计算确定的。对响应的主题分析确定了挑战/障碍、好处、促进因素和被认为导致远程咨询体验可变性的因素。这些大致与现有文献中确定的那些相呼应,但之前没有探索过它们的根本原因,而且有些是新颖的。新发现主要围绕在线浏览新社交系统的困难,以及远程社交互动感觉的强度降低。除了细微的差异外,年轻人和临床医生的主题大致相同。例如,年轻人为某些感知到的好处提供了不同的理由。大多数参与者主张在大流行后提供混合交付。最后,讨论了调查结果的含义。

【关键词】移动应用; 心理治疗;精神健康;情绪失调


[Abstract] Telepsychiatry has been rapidly adopted to help control the spread of coronavirus. Clinicians have raised concerns over this for individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. The remote delivery of psychological interventions in particular requires further attention as their in-person delivery has autism spectrum disorder–associated challenges which overlap with the challenges of telepsychiatry broadly (i.e. beyond autism spectrum disorder). Autistic service-users (aged 15–18 years, n=6) and clinicians working with this client group (n=8) were therefore interviewed about their experience of remote psychological interventions during the pandemic. The sample size was determined using preregistered thematic saturation calculations. Thematic analysis of responses identified challenges/barriers, benefits, facilitators, and factors perceived to cause variability in experiences of remote delivery. These broadly echoed those identified in existing literature, but their underlying reasons had not been explored before and some were novel. Novel findings mostly surrounded difficulties navigating a new social system online, and the intensity of the social interaction feeling reduced remotely. Themes were broadly the same between young people and clinicians, aside from subtle differences. For example, young people provided distinct reasons for some of the perceived benefits. Most participants advocated for the provision of hybrid delivery post-pandemic. Implications of findings are discussed.

[Key words] mobile application; psychotherapy; mental health; emotion dysregulation


英文原文:Lucy Adams, Nicoletta Adamo, Emily Simonoff, et al (2023). Autistic young people’s experiences of remote psychological interventions during COVID-19. Autism, First published online January 16, 2023.










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