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青少年对性教育的重视:与他们的态度、知识和性行为的相关性 ... ...

已有 696 次阅读2023-3-15 14:58 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


Importance attributed by adolescents to sexual education: correlation with their attitudes, knowledge, and sexual behavior


<Brazilian Journal of Health Review> 2023, 6 (1)


【摘要】引言:性教育对于预防冒险性行为具有重要作用。 本研究的目的是评估青少年对性教育的重视程度,并将其与他们对自己的态度和性知识所做的评估联系起来。 方法:这项观察性研究包括在葡萄牙中部地区就读小学或高中的青少年。 对社会人口学和性数据进行了表征,并应用了青少年学生对性的态度量表 (E3AS)结果:我们纳入了394名平均年龄为14.9 ± 1.4岁的青少年。 大多数人(89.3%)认为性教育很重要。 更重视性教育的青少年是那些他们了解的性行为信息排名较高的青少年 (r= 0.236)。一些青少年由于缺乏信息 (r=-0.363) 或因为他们受到酒精和/或药物的影响,因而进行无保护的性行为(r = -0.365),并且在F2 (r = 0.380)F5 (r = 0.402) 和总量表 (r = 0.531) 中具有更好的分类。讨论与结论:对性教育重视程度高的青少年,其所掌握的性信息排名靠前。开始性活动后,性教育的重要性似乎对冒险性行为具有保护作用。



[Abstract] Introduction: Sexual education plays an important role in the prevention of risk-taking sexual behaviors. The objective of this study was to evaluate the importance attributed to sexual education by adolescents, correlating it with the assessment they make of their attitudes and with their knowledge towards sexuality. Methods: This observational study included adolescents who attended elementary or high school in the central region of Portugal. A characterization of sociodemographic and sexual data was made and the Adolescent Students’ Attitudes Scale towards Sexuality (E3AS) was applied. Results: We included 394 adolescents with a mean age of 14.9 ± 1.4 years. The majority (89.3%) attributed importance to sexual education. Adolescents that gave more importance to sexual education were the ones that ranked higher the information they learned about sexuality (r = 0.236), had less unprotected sex due to lack of information (r = -0.363) or because they were under the effect of alcohol and/or drugs (r = -0.365) and had a superior classification in F2 (r = 0.380), F5 (r = 0.402) and in the total scale (r = 0.531). Discussion and conclusion: Adolescents that attributed greater importance to sexual education were the ones that ranked higher the information they possessed about sexuality. After initiating sexual activity, a greater importance attributed to sexual education seems to have a protective effect on risk-taking sexual behaviors.

[Key words] Adolescent; Sexuality; Education; Behavior; Attitude


论文原文:Raquel dos Santos Gonçalves, Carolina dos Santos Folques Alves, Alexandra Maria Branco da Luz, et al (2023). Importance attributed by adolescents to sexual education: correlation with their attitudes, knowledge, and sexual behavior. Brazilian Journal of Health Review. 6(1), 813–825.










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