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已有 390 次阅读2023-2-16 22:44 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


Quality of Sexuality during Pregnancy, We Must Do Something—Survey Study



<International Journal of Environmental Research Public Health> 2023, 20 (2)





[Abstract] Background: The main aim of this study was to describe the changes in sexual desire in pregnant women during the gestation period. We also sought to analyze their sexual habits, how they perceive their partners’ attitudes, and determine if they know the importance of sex education during pregnancy. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was conducted using an existing 32-item questionnaire among pregnant women attending the Fetal Welfare Clinic of a reference hospital. Univariate and bivariate analyses were performed. Results: One hundred seventeen women participated. 50.4% stated that their sexual interest decreased. Aspects like the number of coitus, feeling orgasm with penetration or with masturbation, or the frequency of oral sex, were significantly reduced during pregnancy. 90.6% of the women stated that they would like to receive more sex education during pregnancy. There were no differences according to their education level, their partners’ education level, or whether they believed that sexual intercourse could harm the baby. Conclusions: Several advances have been achieved in the healthcare that physicians and midwives provide pregnant women. However, the quality of women’s sex lives still declines during pregnancy. Healthcare providers should assume a proactive role, essential in helping future parents to enjoy their sexuality and dispel myths about sexuality, regardless of their education level.

[Key words] sexuality; pregnancy; females; sexual education; quality of life; sexual function; surveys and questionnaires


论文原文:Sonia García-Duarte, Bruno José Nievas-Soriano, Natalia Fischer-Suárez, Gracia Castro-Luna, Tesifón Parrón-Carreño and Gabriel Aguilera-Manrique (2023). Quality of Sexuality during Pregnancy, We Must Do Something—Survey Study. International Journal of Environmental Research Public Health, 2023, 20 (2): 965. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20020965








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