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虚假多样性:战略性地歪曲性别多样性如何削弱组织的诚意并提升女性的身份威胁担忧 ... ...

已有 827 次阅读2022-10-25 16:38 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


Counterfeit diversity: How strategically misrepresenting gender diversity dampens organizations’ perceived sincerity and elevates women’s identity threat concerns


<Journal of Personality and Social Psychology > 122 (3), 2022

【摘要】女性在技术和计算领域的代表性仍然不足。意识到这个问题,许多科技组织寻求多元化战略。一些学术来源建议在招聘资料中包含性别多样化的图像,作为潜在吸引女性员工的低成本方式。然而,对于性别不多元化的组织,这种策略意味着歪曲其组织当前的实地多样性。四个实验调查了女性和男性如何看待虚假多样性(即在招聘广告中夸大性别多样性)的组织,相对于(a)真实描绘高度性别多样性(真实多样性;实验 1-3)的组织;(b) 真实地描绘低程度的性别多样性(真实的非多样性;实验 2 和 3);(c) 承认目前缺乏多样性,但渴望在未来增加多样性(渴望多样性;实验 3)。结果表明,女性和男性认为虚假的多样性是不真诚的。反过来,这种被认为不诚实的行为会降低女性和男性对组织的兴趣,并在女性中引发身份威胁问题(实验 1-4)。总而言之,这些发现通过强调感知诚意的作用,使关于多样性和包容性策略的学术讨论复杂化。当招聘策略被认为不真诚时,这些策略可能会适得其反——降低对组织的兴趣,煽动威胁,并使代表性不足。
【关键词】社会认同威胁、诚意、技术女性、多样性、STEM 招聘

[Abstract] Women remain underrepresented in technology and computing fields. Aware of this problem, many tech organizations seek diversification strategies. Several academic sources recommend including gender diverse images in recruitment materials as a low-cost way to potentially attract female workers. However, for gender nondiverse organizations, this strategy means misrepresenting the current on-the-ground diversity of their organization. Four experiments investigate how women and men perceive organizations that counterfeit diversity (i.e., exaggerate gender diversity in recruitment advertisements) relative to organizations that (a) authentically portray a high degree of gender diversity (authentic diversity; Experiments 1–3); (b) authentically portray a low degree of gender diversity (authentic nondiversity; Experiments 2 and 3); and (c) acknowledge a lack of diversity in the present, but aspire to increase diversity in the future (aspirational diversity; Experiment 3). Results reveal that women and men perceive counterfeit diversity as insincere. This perceived insincerity, in turn, decreases women’s and men’s interest in the organization and engenders identity threat concerns among women (Experiments 1–4). Taken together, these findings complicate scholarly discussions of diversity and inclusion strategies by highlighting the role of perceived sincerity. When recruitment strategies are deemed insincere, these strategies can backfire—decreasing interest in the organization, fomenting threat, and perpetuating underrepresentation.
[Key words] Social identity threat, Sincerity, Women in technology, Diversity, STEM recruitment

中文解析是针对论文《虚假多样性:战略性地歪曲性别多样性如何削弱组织的诚意,并提升女性对身份威胁的担忧(Counterfeit diversity: How strategically misrepresenting gender diversity dampens organizations’ perceived sincerity and elevates women’s identity threat concerns)》的论文解析, 该论文于2022年3月发表于《人格与社会心理学杂志》(Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,JPSP)》第122卷第3期上。该研究作者包括美国俄亥俄州立大学的Kathryn M. Kroeper和Heidi E. Williams,以及印第安纳大学的 Mary C. Murphy。


论文原文:Kroeper, K. M., Williams, H. E., & Murphy, M. C. (2022). Counterfeit diversity: How strategically misrepresenting gender diversity dampens organizations’ perceived sincerity and elevates women’s identity threat concerns. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 122(3), 399–426.https://doi.org/10.1037/pspi0000348








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