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已有 671 次阅读2022-10-13 16:47 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:家庭生活分享到微信


Recovering Sexuality after Childbirth. What Strategies Do Women Adopt? A Qualitative Study


<International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health > 2022, 19 (2)


[Abstract] This study aimed to determine the strategies used by women to adapt to the changes that affect the first sexual relations after childbirth. A qualitative study with a phenomenological approach used three data collection techniques (in-depth interviews, discussion groups, and online forums). Thirty-six women in the first six months postpartum participated in the study, from physiotherapy centers with maternal child specialties in several locations in Spain. Women with different types of delivery, presence or absence of perineal trauma during delivery, previous deliveries, and different types of breastfeeding were included. Among the strategies, closeness support and understanding were the ones that women used to adjust to the new situation, in order to improve the couple’s relationship, intimacy, and cope with the significant changes that appear in the first six months postpartum. Changes and adaptations in sexual practices become a tool for coping with a new sexuality, especially if it is affected by the presence of pain or discomfort associated with physical changes. Personal time facilitates emotional management and improvement of emotional changes related to the demands of motherhood. Accepting the changes that motherhood brings is critical to dealing with the new situation. Strategies used by postpartum women focus on acceptance, self-care, partner, couple time, personal time, and adapting encounters. The findings of this study are of interest to health professionals as they provide insight into how women cope with the changes that appear in the first six months postpartum. In this way, the findings will be able to transmit to couples the alternatives they can adopt before the resumption of sexual relations to improve satisfaction both as a couple and in terms of sexuality after childbirth.
[Key words] strategies; sexuality; intimacy; postpartum; emotional management; motherhood

论文原文:Esther Delgado-Pérez, Isabel Rodríguez-Costa, Fernando Vergara-Pérez, María Blanco-Morales and María Torres-Lacomba (2022). Recovering Sexuality after Childbirth. What Strategies Do Women Adopt? A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health19(2), 950. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19020950

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