性快感很重要(尤其是女性)——来自德国性与健康调查 (GeSiD) 的数据
Sexual Pleasure Matters (Especially for Women) — Data from the German Sexuality and Health Survey (GeSiD)
<The Journal of Sex Research> Published online: February 19, 2022
【摘要】简介:性快感一直是性健康政策中被忽视的问题。然而,公共卫生领域的新兴趋势强调了性快感在预防负面性健康结果方面的重要性。方法:使用来自德国性与健康调查(GeSiD) 的数据,我们测试了性快感与性健康相关的假设,包括特别关注性别的作用。参与者在 2018 年 10 月至 2019 年 9 月期间接受了关于他们的性经历和健康状况的采访。分析样本包括 3472 名在过去 12 个月内与伴侣发生过性行为的伴侣和单身男女。我们检查了性快感是否与各种性健康指标相关(即关于性传播感染 (STI)、安全套使用和没有性问题的交流)。结果:女性报告的性快感低于男性。结果进一步表明,性快感对女性来说,比男性有更多的性健康指标相关。结论:支持公共卫生领域的新兴趋势,我们的结果强调了性快感在预防负面性健康结果方面的重要性。政策影响:为了促进(尤其是女性)性健康,我们的结果要求实施全面的性教育计划,重点关注性的更积极方面,例如性快感和代理权。【关键词】 性健康、性快感、性别差异、代表性数据、性活动
[Abstract] Introduction: Sexual pleasure has been a neglected issue in sexual health policies. Emerging trends in public health, however, emphasize the importance of sexual pleasure in preventing negative sexual health outcomes. Methods: Using data from the German Sexuality and Health Survey (GeSiD), we tested the assumption that sexual pleasure is associated with sexual health, including a special focus on the role of gender. Participants were interviewed about their sexual experiences and health between October 2018 and September 2019. The analytical sample included 3472 partnered and single women and men who had been sexually active with a partner in the past 12 months. We examined if sexual pleasure was associated with various sexual health indicators (i.e., communication about sexually transmitted infections (STIs), condom use, and absence of sexual problems). Results: Women reported less sexual pleasure than men. Results further indicate that sexual pleasure was associated with more sexual health indicators in women than in men. Conclusions: Supporting emerging trends in public health our results emphasize the importance of sexual pleasure in preventing negative sexual health outcomes. Policy Implications: To promote (especially women’s) sexual health, our results call for the implementation of comprehensive sexuality education programs that focus on more positive aspects of sex, such as sexual pleasure and agency.
[Key words] Sexual health, Sexual pleasure, Gender differences, Representative data, Sexuality
论文原文:Verena Klein, Ellen Laan, Franziska Brunner & Peer Briken (2022). Sexual Pleasure Matters (Especially for Women) — Data from the German Sexuality and Health Survey (GeSiD). Sexuality Research and Social Policy, Published online: February 19, 2022