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COVID-19大流行病是否影响了老年人对老龄化的个人和一般看法?损失和收益的证据 ... ...

已有 484 次阅读2022-9-12 14:12 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信



Has the COVID-19 pandemic affected older adults’ personal and general views on aging? Evidence for losses and gains



USA <Developmental Psychology> 2022, 58 (6)






[Abstract] The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic might have affected older adults’ personal and general views on aging (VoA) because they were frequently, particularly during the early phase of the pandemic, portrayed as a homogeneous, vulnerable group in the media and in public debates. Also, their higher risk of severe COVID-19 disease progression as well as other pandemic-related stressors and restrictions might have impacted how older adults perceive their own aging. In this study, it was examined to which extent middle-aged and older adults’ personal and general VoA changed due to the pandemic by distinguishing between normative age-graded change across multiple measurement occasions and potentially pandemic-specific history-graded change. Multiple VoA indicators (personal VoA: attitude toward own aging, subjective age, awareness of age-related change [gains and losses]; general VoA: domain-specific age stereotypes) of 423 German adults aged 40 years and older were assessed across three prepandemic measurement occasions (2012, 2015, and 2017) and one occasion after the pandemic’s outbreak (summer 2020). Normative age-graded changes and pandemic-specific changes were estimated and compared using longitudinal multilevel regression analyses. Both perceived age-related gains and age-related losses decreased between 2012 and 2017, but increased thereafter between 2017 and 2020. Further, the overall change trend toward less positive attitude toward own aging slowed down from 2017 to 2020. There was also a slight trend toward younger subjective ages from 2017 to 2020. For most age stereotypes, pandemic-specific trends indicated a shift toward more negative stereotypes. These findings suggest that pandemic-specific changes in VoA are multidirectional, comprising perceptions of both losses and gains.


[Key words] subjective age, attitude toward own aging, age stereotypes, awareness of age-related change, COVID-19


论文原文Wahl, H.-W., Wettstein, M., Tseng, H.-Y., Schlomann, A., Schmidt, L., & Diehl, M. (2022). Has the COVID-19 pandemic affected older adults’ personal and general views on aging? Evidence for losses and gains. Developmental Psychology, 58(6), 1188-1205.










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