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性健康和大流行危机:在葡萄牙的关键生命时期测试心理脆弱性/保护因素对性功能和性困 ...

热度 1已有 401 次阅读2022-8-11 17:28 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


Sexual Health and the Pandemic Crisis: Testing the Role of Psychological Vulnerability/Protective Factors on Sexual Functioning and Sexual Distress During a Critical Life Period in Portugal


<Archives of Sexual Behavior>, volume 51 (1), 2022

【摘要】最近的研究结果表明,当前的COVID-19大流行对包括性健康在内的多个生活领域产生了潜在的负面影响。然而,对于可能作为当前大流行中性问题发展的脆弱性/保护因素的心理维度知之甚少。目前的研究使用纵向设计来检查人格特质因素(神经质、外向性)以及性心理因素(性信念)在预测当前大流行危机期间跨时间的性功能和性困扰方面所起的作用。共有528人(337名女性)完成了一项评估性健康指标和心理因素的网络调查。第一波是在20205月至6月的葡萄牙封闭期(N=528)和四个月后的第二波(N=146),当时严格的封闭规定已经结束。广义估计方程 (GEE) 用于检查心理因素预测跨时间性功能和痛苦的能力,同时控制年龄和性别。结果表明,第2时间点的性窘迫低于封闭期间,男性在封闭后的性功能水平较低,而女性没有观察到显着差异。此外,较高水平的神经质和与年龄相关的信念显着预测较低的性功能以及较高的性困扰,而较低水平的外向性在控制年龄和性别影响后预测较低的性功能。研究结果支持心理脆弱性因素在跨时间预测性问题中的作用,并可能对预防和治疗性功能障碍具有重要意义。

[Abstract]Recent findings suggest that the current COVID-19 pandemic has a potential negative impact in several areas of life, including sexual health. However, less is known about the psychological dimensions that may work as vulnerability/protective factors for the development of sexual problems in the current pandemic. The current study used a longitudinal design to examine the role played by personality trait factors (neuroticism, extraversion) as well as psychosexual factors (sexual beliefs) in predicting sexual functioning and sexual distress across time during the current pandemic crisis. A total of 528 individuals (337 women) completed a web survey assessing sexual health indicators and psychological factors. The first wave was conducted during the confinement period in Portugal (N=528) between May and June 2020 and the second four months later (N=146), when strict confinement rules were over. Generalized estimating equations (GEE) were used to examine the ability of psychological factors to predict sexual functioning and distress across time, while controlling for age and gender. Results indicated that sexual distress at time point 2 was lower than during confinement, and men had lower levels of sexual functioning post-confinement while no significant difference was observed for women. Moreover, higher levels of neuroticism and age-related beliefs significantly predicted lower sexual functioning as well as higher sexual distress, whereas lower levels of extraversion predicted lower sexual functioning after controlling for age and gender effects. Findings support the role of psychological vulnerability factors to predict sexual problems across time and may have important implications in the prevention and treatment of sexual dysfunctions.
[Key words]Sexual functioning, Sexual distress, Personality factors, Sexual beliefs, COVID-19 pandemic

论文原文Pedro Nobre, Pedro J. Rosa, Priscila Vasconcelos, Inês Tavares, Joana Carvalho, Ana Quinta-Gomes, Catarina Moura & Mariana Carrito (2022). Sexual Health and the Pandemic Crisis: Testing the Role of Psychological Vulnerability/Protective Factors on Sexual Functioning and Sexual Distress During a Critical Life Period in Portugal. Archives of Sexual Behavior, volume 51, (1): 169–181. 









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