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父母的理想如何被不确定性和恐惧所抵消:对欧洲父母对子女性教育经验的系统评价 ...

已有 333 次阅读2022-8-4 17:16 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


How Parents’ Ideals are Offset by Uncertainty and Fears: A Systematic Review of the Experiences of European Parents regarding the Sexual Education of Their Children


<The Journal of Sex Research>, Published online: May 3, 2022

【摘要】父母在孩子的性教育中扮演着至关重要的角色。我们对评估父母在孩子性教育中所扮演角色的经验的研究进行了系统评价。我们纳入了在欧洲父母中进行的定性、定量和混合方法研究。我们搜索了 PubMedWeb of Science  Scopus,并筛选了20,244条独特的记录。纳入18,083名独特父母的49项研究符合纳入标准。研究表明,父母对孩子的性教育抱有理想,这些理想围绕信任、开放对话和诚实的重要性。然而,与父母和孩子的性别、孩子的年龄、孩子的具体情况有关的挑战和担忧,以及父母的知识和沟通能力有限,使他们无法实现这些理想。家长们指出,其他机构的作用是支持和加强父母对孩子性发展的贡献。我们的结论是,父母可能需要指导和支持,以根据年龄、性别和其他特征确定什么是适合孩子的性教育,如何提供适当的性教育,并加强他们的性沟通技巧和当代性健康知识问题。
[Abstract]Parents have a critical role to play in the sexual education of their children. We conducted a systematic review of studies assessing the experiences of parents regarding the role they play in the sexual education of their children. We included qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods studies conducted among parents in Europe. We searched PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus, and screened 20,244 unique records. Forty-nine studies enrolling 18,083 unique parents met inclusion criteria. The studies show that parents have ideals regarding the sexual education of their children that center around the importance of trust, open conversations, and honesty. However, challenges and concerns, related to parents’ and children’s gender, children’s age, children’s specific situations, and limited parental knowledge and communication skills prevented them from living up to these ideals. Parents pointed to the role of other institutions as ways to support and strengthen parents’ contributions to the sexual development of their children. We conclude that parents may require guidance and support to identify what is appropriate sexual education for their children, based on age, gender, and other characteristics, how to provide appropriate sexual education, and to strengthen their sexual communication skills and knowledge of contemporary sexual health issues.
论文原文Maaike A.J. Noorman, Chantal den Daas & John B.F. de Wit (2022). How Parents’ Ideals are Offset by Uncertainty and Fears: A Systematic Review of the Experiences of European Parents regarding the Sexual Education of Their Children. The Journal of Sex Research. Published online: May 3.https://doi.org/10.1080/00224499.2022.2064414








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