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已有 1147 次阅读2022-4-21 18:54 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


From Sexology to Sexual Health and Rights and Sexual Justice: New Challenges and Opportunities



<International Journal of Sexual Health>,

Volume 34, Issue sup1 (2022)


【编者按:这篇文章是世界性健康学会主席佩德罗·诺布雷Pedro Nobre)在第二十五届世界性健康大会上的专题报告摘要,发表在《国际性健康杂志》2022年第34卷第1期增刊。第二十五届世界性健康大会于202199-12日在南非开普敦市召开(线上线下同时召开)。大会的论文摘要全部刊登在《国际性健康杂志》2022年第34卷第1期增刊上(英文)。该文摘集共332页。需要《第二十五届世界性健康大会文摘集》的朋友,请联系微信:millerdeng95







多年来,WAS开发了几份与性健康和性权利相关的技术文件。 1999年,第一个WAS性权利宣言在香港获得通过。2008年,WAS出版了《千年性健康》。 最近,《性权利宣言》(WAS2014 http://www.worldsexualhealth.net/resources/declaration-of-sexualrights/ )强调性权利对于充分表达性健康至关重要,并且基于普遍人权。



2010年,WAS呼吁其所有成员组织和所有非政府组织在每年94日庆祝世界性健康日(WSHD) https://worldsexualhealth.net/news/world-sexual-health-day/ 在全球范围内提高对性健康和性权利的社会意识。从那时起,我们每年都在庆祝WSHD,地区和国家层面的组织越来越多地参与其中。 许多加入WAS推广WSHD的全球组织(WHOUNAIDSUNFPDIPPF 等)都承认这一日期。 最近(20217月)葡萄牙议会通过一致投票,成为世界上第一个正式承认WSHD为国庆日的国家。 我希望这个例子能被其他国家效仿,最终被联合国认可。



在第24届世界性健康大会期间,发布了《性愉悦宣言》(墨西哥城,20191015日)https://worldsexualhealth.net/declaration-on-sexual-pleasure/ 强调获得愉悦的可能性的权利,没有歧视、胁迫和暴力的安全性体验 <INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SEXUAL HEALTH A7> 是所有人的性健康和福祉的基本组成部分。




In this lecture, I review the history of WAS as it celebrates its 43rd anniversary and then build a bridge to the present day and reflect on future major challenges and opportunities. Since its foundation in 1978 as the world’s major umbrella organization in the field of sexology, WAS has been increasingly devoted to promoting sexual health and rights across the world. Our mission statement summarizes this vision, emphasizing that WAS “promotes sexual health throughout human life spans all over the world by developing, promoting and supporting sexology and sexual rights for all.”


Some of the major historical WAS landmarks are described below:


Declaration of Sexual Rights

WAS has developed over the years several technical documents related to Sexual Health and Sexual Rights. In 1999, the first WAS Declaration of Sexual Rights was approved in Hong Kong. In 2008, WAS published the Sexual Health for the Millennium. More recently, the Sexual Rights Declaration (WAS, 2014 http://www.worldsexualhealth.net/resources/declaration-of-sexualrights/) emphasizes the idea that sexual rights are essential to the full expression of sexual health and are based on universal human rights.


The World Sexual Health Day

In 2010, the WAS called on all their member organizations and all NGOs to celebrate, each September 4th, World Sexual Health Day (WSHD) (https://world sexualhealth.net/news/world-sexual-health-day/) in an effort to promote a greater social awareness of sexual health and sexual rights across the globe. Since then every year we have been celebrating the WSHD with increasing participation of organizations from regional and country levels. The date has been recognized by many global organizations that have joined WAS in promoting the WSHD (WHO, UNAIDS, UNFPD, IPPF, etc.). Recently (July 2021) Portugal became the first country in the world to formally recognize the WSHD as a National Day by a unanimous vote at the Portuguese Parliament. I hope this example will be followed by other countries and ultimately by the UN.


The Sexual Pleasure Declaration

During the 24th World Congress of Sexual Health, a Declaration on Sexual Pleasure was released (Mexico City, October 15, 2019) https://worldsexualhealth.net/declaration-on-sexual-pleasure/ emphasizing the right to the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences <INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SEXUAL HEALTH A7> free of discrimination, coercion, and violence is a fundamental part of sexual health and well-being for all.


Finally, I highlight the key challenges and opportunities that may present themselves in the years to come, reflecting on the need to increase global awareness and acceptance of the benefits of sexual health and well-being across the world.








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