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作为施暴者性别和受害者性别功能的性侵犯方式的探索性研究 ...

已有 720 次阅读2022-4-7 16:48 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


An Exploratory Study of Sexual Aggression Tactics as a Function of Perpetrator Gender and Victim Gender



<International Journal of Sexual Health>, Published online: March 29, 2022


【摘要】目的:本研究试图检查施暴者性别和受害者性别之间的关联,以及性攻击方式的使用(例如,持续的引诱、口头压力、利用无法同意的机会以及无视明确的不同意)。方法:从研究小组中招募参与者来完成在线调查。他们被要求指出在39种性侵犯方式(代表4个类别和9个子类别)中,如果有的话,他们曾用于获得性行为的方式,并根据他们最常发生性行为的性别来回答。参与者包括132名根据男性经历回答的男性(MSM)、131名根据女性经历回答的男性(MSW)、232名根据男性经历回答的女性(WSM)和56 名根据男性经历回答的女性(WSW)。结果:MSM比所有其他群体更可能使用引诱,并且比WSM更可能进行明确的非自愿性行为。WSM比MSW和WSW更有可能利用其伴侣受损的同意能力。在使用语言压力方面,各组之间没有差异。结论:性别刻板印象可能有助于男性和女性针对男性和女性使用的方式类型。

【关键词】性侵犯;性犯罪者;性别认同;性多元;强奸; 性胁迫;性少数;性暴力;女性; 基于性别的暴力;男同性恋者;女同性恋者;性/性别角色;性虐待


[Abstract] Objectives: This study sought to examine the association between perpetrator gender and victim gender and the use of sexually aggressive tactics (e.g., persistent enticement, verbal pressure, taking advantage of the inability to consent, and ignoring explicit non-consent). Methods: Participants were recruited from research panels to complete an online survey. They were asked to indicate which, if any, of 39 sexually aggressive tactics—representing four categories and nine subcategories—they had used to obtain sex, answering based on the gender with whom they most often have sex. Participants included 132 men who answered based on experiences with men (MSM), 131 men who answered based on experiences with women (MSW), 232 women who answered based on experiences with men (WSM), and 56women who answered based on experiences with women (WSW). Results: MSM were more likely than all other groups to use enticement and more likely than WSM to engage in explicitly nonconsensual sex. WSM were more likely than MSW and WSW to take advantage of their partner’s impaired ability to consent. There was no difference among groups in use of verbal pressure. Conclusions: Gendered sexual stereotypes may contribute to the types of tactics used by men and women against men and women.

[Key words] Sexual assault; sexual offenders; sexual identity; LGBTQ; rape; sexual coercion; sexual minority; sexual violence; women; gender-based violence; gay men; lesbians; sex/gender roles; sexual abuse


论文原文:ErrinFornicola & Zoë D. Peterson (2022). An Exploratory Study of Sexual Aggression Tactics as a Function of Perpetrator Gender and Victim Gender. International Journal of Sexual Health, Published online: 29 Mar 2022. https://doi.org/10.1080/19317611.2022.2053027







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