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应对 COVID-19大流行带来的痛苦:脆弱的拉丁裔社区的心理健康压力源和应对策略 ... ...

已有 794 次阅读2022-1-11 14:52 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:健康养生分享到微信

应对 COVID-19大流行带来的痛苦:脆弱的拉丁裔社区的心理健康压力源和应对策略


Dealing with distress from the COVID-19 pandemic: Mental health stressors and coping strategies in vulnerable Latinx communities



<Health and Social Care> 2022, 30 (1)


【摘要】COVID-19大流行继发的痛苦是巨大的,尤其是在脆弱的拉丁裔社区,他们在美国承担了与大流行相关的社会、健康和经济负担的过多份额。我们与43名社区卫生工作者 (CHW) 和Promotor/as 合作,满足南德克萨斯州服务不足的拉丁裔社区的需求,并以社区参与式研究 (CBPR) 的原则为指导进行了研究。本研究的目的是确定相关的心理健康压力源和相关后果,并确定在COVID-19大流行期间应对服务不足的拉丁裔社区痛苦的策略。数据于2020年7月使用混合方法收集,以获得更深入的信息。进行了调查,并进行了三个焦点小组。定量数据使用描述性统计进行分析,而定性数据通过先验问题和主题开始系统分析,然后是数据分类、缩减、显示和得出结论。结果显示了与心理健康压力源相关的六个主题,包括经济(例如,工作不安全)、移民(例如,无证身份)、错误信息、家庭压力(例如,家庭动态和家庭环境的变化)、健康(例如,有限的医疗保健服务) ) 和社会孤立。社区的应对技巧分为四个主题,包括行为策略(例如,识别可靠信息)、认知策略(例如,集体主义思维)、社会支持和灵性。调查结果表明,服务不足的拉丁裔社区正在应对 COVID-19 大流行继发的巨大痛苦和心理健康问题;然而,这些都是有弹性的社区。这些发现的意义可以为资源、干预措施、最佳实践和培训途径的开发提供信息,以解决服务不足的拉丁裔社区的心理健康需求,同时考虑可能影响其有效性的相关文化和背景因素。

[Abstract] Distress secondary to the COVID-19 pandemic has been substantial, especially invulnerable Latinx communities who are carrying an undue share of the pandemic-related social, health and economic burden in the United States. In collaboration with 43 community health workers (CHWs) and Promotor/as serving the needs of underserved Latinx communities in South Texas and guided by principles of community-based participatory research (CBPR), the purpose of this study was to identify relevant mental health stressors and related consequences, and to identify strategies for coping with distress among underserved Latinx communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were collected on July 2020 using mixed methods to obtain more in-depth information. Surveys were administered, and three focus groups were conducted. Quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics, whereas qualitative data were analysed systematically by starting with a priori questions and themes followed by data categorisation, reduction, display and conclusion drawing. Results showed six themes related to mental health stressors including economics (e.g., job insecurity), immigration (e.g., undocumented status), misinformation, family stress (e.g., changes in family dynamics and the home environment), health(e.g., limited healthcare access) and social isolation. Coping skills of the community were categorised into four themes with multiple codes including behavioural strategies (e.g., identifying reliable information), cognitive strategies (e.g., collectivistic thinking), social support and spirituality. Findings indicate that underserved Latinx communities are dealing with substantial distress and mental health concerns secondary to the COVID-19pandemic; yet these are resilient communities. Implications of these finding scan inform development of resources, interventions, best practices and training avenues to address the mental health needs of underserved Latinx communities, while considering relevant cultural and contextual factors that may influence their effectiveness.


论文原文:Garcini LM, Rosenfeld J, Kneese G, Bondurant RG, Kanzler KE (2022).Dealing with distress from the COVID-19 pandemic: Mental health stressors and coping strategies in vulnerable Latin communities. Health and Social Care, 30 (1): 284– 294. https://doi.org/10.1111/hsc.13402









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