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工作-家庭计划能改善员工的心理健康吗?来自全国代表性队列的纵向证据 ...

已有 613 次阅读2022-1-2 14:41 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信



Do work-family initiatives improve employee mental health? Longitudinal evidence from a nationally representative cohort



<Journal of Affective Disorders>2022, January, 297


【摘要】背景:工作压力和工作家庭冲突是情感障碍的重要关联因素。文章探讨了 (1) 工作-家庭倡议的广泛采用是否改善了国家劳动力的心理健康; (2) 赋予员工对工作质量(弹性工作时间和远程工作)或工作数量(工作时间)自主权的举措之间的潜在收益是否不同; (3) 效果是否取决于员工对举措的感知可用性或实际使用情况,如果是,各自的机制是什么;(4)心理健康影响是否存在性别差异。方法:对2010年至2020年对34,484名英国工人的概率样本进行的五波面板调查的固定效应分析,该样本使用GHQ-12量表测量心理健康。工作满意度和休闲时间满意度作为中介进行测试。结果:感知工作-家庭倡议的可用性通过提高男性和女性的工作满意度来改善他们的心理健康。通过提高工作满意度和休闲时间满意度,工作-家庭计划的实际使用改善了女性的心理健康,但没有改善男性的心理健康。灵活的时间表和远程工作计划对心理健康的好处大于减少工作时间的计划。局限:这项探索性研究使用了广泛的心理健康结果,并没有衡量工作家庭举措对特定情感障碍(如焦虑和抑郁)的影响。该研究无法消除随时间变化的混杂因素。结论:实际和感知的工作质量对于促进工作场所心理健康很重要。组织领导者和政策制定者可以提供灵活的工作时间和地点,以减少工作与家庭的冲突并预防员工的情感障碍。


[Abstract] Background: Work stress and work-family conflict are important correlates of affective disorders. The article explored (1) whether the wide adoption of work-family initiatives improve a national workforce's mental health; (2) whether the potential benefits differ between the initiatives that give employees autonomy over job quality (flexible schedule and telework) or job quantity (work hours); (3) whether the effects depend on employee's perceived availability or actual usage of the initiatives, and if so, what are the respective mechanisms; and (4) whether there are gender differences in the mental health effects. Methods: Fixed-effects analyses of five-wave panel surveys from 2010 to 2020 on a probability sample of 34,484 British workers, which measured mental health with the GHQ-12 scale. Job satisfaction and leisure time satisfaction were tested as mediators. Results: Perceived availability of work-family initiatives improved men and women's mental health by increasing their job satisfaction. Actual usage of work-family initiatives improved women's, but not men's, mental health by increasing their job satisfaction and leisure time satisfaction. The mental health benefits of flexible schedule and telework initiatives are larger than reduced work hours initiatives. Limitations: The exploratory study used a broad mental health outcome and did not measure work-family initiatives’ effects on specific affective disorders such as anxiety and depression. The study could not eliminate time-varying confounders. Conclusions: Actual and perceived job quality are important in workplace mental health promotion. Organizational leaders and policymakers can offer flexible work time and place to reduce work-family conflict and prevent employees’ affective disorders.

[Keywords] Flexible work arrangements; Telework; Work-family conflict; Work-family initiatives; Workplace health promotion


论文原文:LambertZixin Li, Senhu Wang (2022). Do work-family initiatives improve employee mental health? Longitudinal evidence from a nationally representative cohort. Journal of Affective Disorders, 297,  407-414










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