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已有 797 次阅读2021-12-3 13:12 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信






12月1日是世界艾滋病(World AIDS Day)。为号召全世界人民行动起来,团结一致共同对抗艾滋病,1988年1月,世界卫生组织在伦敦召开了一个有140个国家参加的“全球预防艾滋病部长级高级会议,会上宣布每年的12月1日为“世界艾滋病日。今天,世界卫生组织在日内瓦发表该文。 



“我们正在发出紧急警告”。联合国艾滋病规划署执行主任温妮·拜安伊玛 (Winnie Byanyima) 表示,只有迅速采取行动结束导致艾滋病大流行的不平等现象,我们才能克服它。“世界领导人必须紧急合作,正面应对挑战。我劝你:敢于言行一致。令人愤慨的是,每一分钟过去,我们都因艾滋病而失去宝贵的生命。我们没有时间可以浪费。”




在活动中放映了由哈里王子、苏塞克斯公爵和 Byanyima 女士讲述的强大视频,展示了获得HIV治疗和获得COVID-19疫苗之间令人不安的相似之处。1997 年至 2006 年间,据估计,中低收入国家有 1200 万人死于与艾滋病相关的疾病,因为药物价格使许多受艾滋病毒影响最严重的国家无法负担得起。今天,全世界仍有 1,000 万人无法获得拯救生命的艾滋病毒药物。苏塞克斯公爵敦促世界从艾滋病的历史中吸取教训,克服获得 COVID-19 疫苗的不公平问题,并确保所有人都能获得新的 HIV 药物和技术。

大会宣读了苏塞克斯公爵致世卫组织和联合国艾滋病规划署的一封信,信中他纪念艾滋病40 年,并对迄今为止所完成的工作表示感谢。在信中,他从艾滋病毒的经验教训中强调了COVID-19 疫苗公平的必要性。


“年轻人是国家的未来,也是全球艾滋病防治工作的基石,”泰国副总理兼公共卫生部长 Anutin Charnvirakul 说。

“消除各种污名必须是我们立即采取行动的全面全球承诺。” 活动期间,与会者纪念了自大流行开始以来因艾滋病死亡的3600万人的生命,并强调迫切需要为受艾滋病毒影响最严重的人做更多的事情。

代表联合国艾滋病规划署项目协调委员会主席的纳米比亚大使Julia Imene-Chanduru 说:“艾滋病仍然是我们在应对COVID-19时不能忘记的紧急情况。”



我们知道如何战胜艾滋病,我们知道如何战胜流行病,”Byanyima 女士补充道。“解决阻碍进步的不平等的政策是可以实施的,但它们需要领导人加紧努力并大胆。”


World AIDS Day 2021 - Step up, be bold, end AIDS, end inequalities and end pandemics


[1 December 2021 Joint News Release Geneva Reading time]


With millions of lives on the line, UNAIDS and WHO World AIDS Day event saw global partners, including Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, urgently call for expanded access to health treatments and technologies and for human rights to be upheld.


On the occasion of World AIDS Day 2021, UNAIDS, the World Health Organization (WHO)and partners came together at a special event in Geneva, Switzerland, to highlight the urgent need to end the economic, social, cultural and legal inequalities that drive the AIDS pandemic and other pandemics around the world.


“We are issuing an urgent warning. Only by moving fast to end the inequalities that drive the AIDS pandemic can we overcome it,” said Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of UNAIDS. “World leaders must work together urgently to tackle the challenges head-on. I urge you: be courageous in matching words with deeds. It is outrageous that every minute that passes, we lose a precious life to AIDS. We don’t have time to waste.”


The world is off track from delivering on the shared commitment to end AIDS by 2030. In 2020there were 37.7 million people living with HIV, 1.5 million new HIV infections and 680 000 AIDS-related deaths. Around 65% of HIV infections globally were among key populations, including sex workers and their clients, gay men and other men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs and transgender people, and their sexual partners.


“Even before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, many of the populations most at risk were not being reached with HIV testing, prevention and care services,” said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “The pandemic has made things worse, with the disruption of essential health services, and the increased vulnerability of people with HIV to COVID-19. Like COVID-19, we have all the tools to end the AIDS epidemic, if we use them well. This World AIDS Day, were new our call on all countries to use every tool in the toolbox to narrow inequalities, prevent HIV infections, save lives and end the AIDS epidemic.”If the world does not tackle discrimination and inequalities, UNAIDS and WHO warn that the next decade could see 7.7 million AIDS-related deaths.


A powerful video narrated by Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, and Ms Byanyima was screened at the event demonstrating the disturbing parallels between access to HIV treatment and access to COVID-19 vaccines. Between 1997 and 2006, it is estimated that 12 million people died of AIDS-related illnesses in low- and middle-income countries as the price of medicines rendered them out of reach for many of the countries most affected by HIV. Today, 10 million people around the world still do not have access to the life-saving HIV medicines. The Duke of Sussex urged the world to learn from the history of AIDS and overcome the inequitable access to COVID-19 vaccines and to ensure that new HIV medicines and technologies are available to all.


A letter from the Duke of Sussex to WHO and UNAIDS was read out, in which he commemorated the40 years of AIDS and expressed his gratitude for the work accomplished to date. In the letter he stressed the need for COVID-19 vaccine equity, drawing from the lessons learned from HIV.


Speakers highlighted the impact of HIV on young people. “Young people continue to be stigmatized, especially those in key populations, and inequalities continue to compromise the quality of our lives,” said Joyce Ouma, from the Global Network of Young People Living with HIV.


“Young people are the future of nations and the cornerstone of the global AIDS response,” said Anutin Charnvirakul, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Health, Thailand. “Eradicating all kinds of stigma must be our full global commitment with immediate action."


During the event, the participants commemorated the lives of the 36 million people who have died from AIDS since the start of the pandemic and highlighted the urgent need to do more for the people most affected by HIV.


The Ambassador of Namibia, Julia Imene-Chanduru, representing the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board Chair, said, “AIDS remains an emergency that we must not forget in our response to COVID-19.”


Speakers urged all countries, partners and civil society to be bold in taking forward the commitment made in the Political Declaration on AIDS adopted at the 2021 United Nations High-Level Meeting on AIDS and in the Global AIDS Strategy 2021–2026: End Inequalities, End AIDS, both having ending inequalities at their core.


“We can see the importance of UNAIDS’ strategy, with an emphasis on ending inequalities,” said Stephanie Seydoux, French Ambassador for Global Health. “This is what allows us to make progress in the fight against this pandemic, and to ensure health for everyone.”


“We know how to beat AIDS and we know how to beat pandemics,” added Ms Byanyima. “The policies to address the inequalities standing in the way of progress can be implemented, but they require leaders to step up and be bold.”







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