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COVID-19期间虚拟面试的压力和干扰因素:焦虑对面试表现和反应的影响 ...

已有 682 次阅读2021-11-23 16:45 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:时尚天地分享到微信


Distressed and distracted by COVID-19during high-stakes virtual interviews: The role of job interview anxiety on performance and reactions


<Journal of Applied Psychology>, 2021.106(8)


【摘要】为应对新冠疫情,雇主们越来越多地采用虚拟面试这样远程、保持社会距离的面试形式。然而,人们对求职者在虚拟面试过程中的体验知之甚少。基于事件系统理论(Morgeson et al., 2015),结合工作压力和求职者反应的文献,本研究提出并测试了一个高压高风险情境下求职者的反应模型的模型。本研究预测,当求职者在虚拟面试中有较高的COVID-19反刍和耗竭时,他们会更加焦虑,进而导致更低的面试表现、公平感知和更低的向他人推荐该组织的意愿。此外,本研究预测了,反映COVID-19持续性和影响力的三个因素(持续时间、感染数、死亡率)与COVID-19耗竭正相关。本研究使用来自93个国家/地区的373家公司中的8,343名求职者的数据来验证本研究的假设。与假设一致,本研究发现COVID-19反刍与面试焦虑正相关,且相关在体验到高水平COVID-19耗竭的求职者中更强。面试焦虑又与面试表现、公平感知和向他人推荐该组织的意愿负相关。此外,本研究对相关数据子集(n = 6,136)进行测量发现,COVID-19持续时间和死亡率与COVID-19耗竭正相关。这项研究为理解COVID-19中求职者的面试体验提供了见解,并推进了求职者反应相关的文献进展。



[Abstract] Employers have increasingly turned to virtual interviews to facilitate online, socially distanced selection processes in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there is little understanding about the experience of job candidates in these virtual interview contexts. We draw from Event System Theory (Morgeson et al., 2015) to advance and test a conceptual model that focuses on a high-stress, high-stakes setting and integrates literatures on workplace stress with literatures on applicant reactions. We predict that when applicants ruminate about COVID-19 during an interview and have higher levels of COVID-19 exhaustion, they will have higher levels of anxiety during virtual interviews, which in turn relates to reduced interview performance, lower perceptions of fairness, and reduced intentions to recommend the organization. Further, we predict that three factors capturing COVID-19 as an enduring and impactful event (COVID-19 duration, COVID-19 cases, COVID-19deaths) will be positively related to COVID-19 exhaustion. We tested our propositions with 8,343 job applicants across 373 companies and 93countries/regions. Consistent with predictions, we found a positive relationship between COVID-19 rumination and interview anxiety, and this relationship was stronger for applicants who experienced higher (vs. lower)levels of COVID-19 exhaustion. In turn, interview anxiety was negatively related to interview performance, fairness perceptions, and recommendation intentions. Moreover, using a relevant subset of the data (n = 6,136), we found that COVID-19 duration and deaths were positively related to COVID-19exhaustion. This research offers several insights for understanding the virtual interview experience embedded in the pandemic and advances the literature on applicant reactions.

[Keywords] COVID-19, anxiety, exhaustion, virtual interviews, interview performance


论文原文:McCarthy, J. M., Truxillo, D. M., Bauer, T. N., Erdogan, B., Shao, Y., Wang, M., Liff, J., & Gardner, C. (2021). Distressed and distracted byCOVID-19 during high-stakes virtual interviews: The role of job interview anxiety on performance and reactions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(8), 1103–1117.https://doi.org/10.1037/apl0000943








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