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Global Variation in Subjective Well-Being Predicts Seven Forms of Altruism
<Psychological Science>2021, 32(8)
[Abstract] The geographic prevalence of various altruistic behaviors (nonreciprocal acts that improve other people’s welfare) is not uniformly distributed, but whether this reflects variation in a superordinate construct linked to national-level outcomes or cultural values is unknown. We compiled data on seven altruistic behaviors across 48 to 152 nations and found evidence that these behaviors reflect a latent construct positively associated with national-level subjective well-being (SWB) and individualist values, even when we controlled for national-level wealth, health, education, and shared cultural history. Consistent with prior work, our results showed that SWB mediated the relationship between two objective measures of well-being (wealth and health) and altruism (n=130). Moreover, these indirect effects increased as individualist values increased within the subset of countries (n=90) with available data. Together, our results indicate that altruism increases when resources and cultural values provide objective and subjective means for pursuing personally meaningful goals and that altruistic behaviors may be enhanced by societal changes that promote well-being.
[Keywords] altruism, prosocial behavior, subjective well-being, individualism, open data, open materials
论文原文:Rhoads, S. A., Gunter, D., Ryan, R. M., & Marsh, A. A. (2021). Global Variation in Subjective Well-Being Predicts Seven Forms of Altruism. Psychological Science, 32(8), 1247–1261.