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儿童期中期合作和自控力发展:与较早的父母教养方式的关系 ...

已有 508 次阅读2021-10-18 14:43 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


The Development of Cooperation and Self-Control in Middle Childhood: Associations with Earlier Maternal and Paternal Parenting



<Developmental Psychology> 2021, 57 (3)


【摘要】发展理论和先前的研究都强调了合作和自我控制在童年中期的重要性。本研究通过检查 (a) 合作和自我控制的成长以及他们在童年中期(三至六年级)之间的关系和 (b) 母亲和父亲在幼儿期(54个月和一年级)与儿童的合作和自我控制有关。样本包括705名儿童(51%为女性,86%为白人)及其在国家儿童健康与人类发展研究所 (NICHD) 早期儿童保育和青年发展研究 (SECCYD) 中的母亲、父亲和教师。平均而言,从三年级到六年级,孩子们表现出自我控制的增加,但没有表现出合作,尽管在三年级时自我控制或合作程度较高的儿童的增幅较小。在三年级表现出较高自控力的孩子在三年级时往往表现出较高的合作性;随着时间的推移,自我控制和合作的变化也出现了类似的积极关联。此外,如果一个孩子在某个时间点表现出比他们典型的平均水平更高的自我控制,那么他们在同一时间点相对于他们的典型平均水平也倾向于表现出更高的合作。然而,人体内的这些相对偏差与时间无关。最后,母亲和父亲在幼儿时期敏感和刺激的养育方式与儿童中期的合作和自我控制呈正相关。总体而言,我们的研究结果阐明了幼儿期合作与自我控制的成长及其之间的关系,并强调了母性和父性养育在幼儿期的作用。



[Abstract] Developmental theories and previous research have emphasized the significance of cooperation and self-control in middle childhood. The present study extends previous research by examining (a) the growth of cooperation and self-control as well as the relations between them in middle childhood (third to sixth grade) and (b)the extent to which mothers' and fathers' parenting during early childhood (54 months and first grade) was associated with children's cooperation and self-control. The sample included705 children (51% female, 86% White) and their mothers, fathers, and teachers in the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (SECCYD). Children, on average, exhibited increases in self-control but not cooperation from third to sixth grade though the increases were smaller for children who had higher self-control or cooperation at third grade. Children who exhibited higher self-control at third grade tended to exhibit higher cooperation at third grade; similar positive associations emerged for the changes in self-control and cooperation over time. In addition, if a child exhibited higher self-control at one time point relative to their typical average level, they tended to also exhibit higher cooperation at the same time point relative to their typical average level. However, these relative deviations within person were not associated over time. Lastly, maternal and paternal sensitive and stimulating parenting in early childhood was positively associated with children's cooperation and self-control in middle childhood. Overall, our findings shed light on the growth of and the relations between cooperation and self-control in middle childhood and highlight the role of maternal and paternal parenting in early childhood.

[Keywords] cooperation, self-control, parenting, socioemotional development, childhood


这篇中文解析是针对论文儿童期中期合作和自控力发展:与较早的父母教养方式的关系(The Development of Cooperation and Self-Control in Middle Childhood: Associations With Earlier Maternal and Paternal Parenting)》的解析。该论文于2021年3月发表于《发展心理学(Developmental Psychology (DP)》杂志第57卷第3期上。该研究作者包括美国加州大学欧文分校的Zehra Gülseven, Yangyang Liu, Ting-Lan Ma, Mark Vincent B. Yu, Sandra D.Simpkins, Deborah Lowe Vandell 和Nicole Zarrett。


论文原文:Gülseven Z, Liu Y, Ma TL, Yu MVB, Simpkins SD, Vandell DL, Zarrett N. The development of cooperation and self-control in middle childhood: Associations with earlier maternal and paternal parenting. Developmental Psychology. 2021 Mar;57(3):397-409.

doi: 10.1037/dev0001151.








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