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COVID-19引起的求职焦虑和阴谋信念对求职努力的影响:一项个体内的调查 ...

已有 628 次阅读2021-9-12 20:00 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:时尚天地分享到微信


The influence of COVID-induced job search anxiety and conspiracy beliefs on job search effort: A within-person investigation


<Journal of Applied Psychology>, 2021, 106 (5)




[Abstract] New labor market entrants face significant hurdles when searching for a job, with these stressors likely amplified during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here, we consider how COVID-induced job search anxiety—feeling anxious about one’s job search due to issues imposed by the pandemic—has the potential to affect adaptive, goal-directed efforts, and maladaptive, goal-avoidant reactions. We theorize that this anxiety can prompt job seekers to engage in problem-solving pondering and affect-focused rumination, with these experiences relating to whether job seekers engage in various forms of search-related efforts the following week. In particular, we consider whether job seekers are engaging in dream job search effort (i.e., effort toward pursuing one’s dream job), as well as focused (i.e., effort toward a selection of carefully screened jobs),exploratory (i.e., effort toward a wide swath of jobs in a broad manner), and haphazard (i.e., effort toward applying for any job without a clear plan) job search effort. Further, we consider how stable beliefs relevant to the pandemic(i.e., belief in conspiracy theories; belief in COVID-19 being a public health crisis) affect the aforementioned relationships. Using a weekly study of 162new labor market entrants, results indicated that COVID-induced job search anxiety positively related to problem-solving pondering and affect-focused rumination; problem solving pondering promoted dream, focused, and exploratory job search effort the following week, whereas affect-focused rumination hindered dream job search effort. Finally, the detrimental effects of COVID-induced job search anxiety via affect-focused rumination were amplified for those who held higher levels of conspiracy theory beliefs.

[Key words] anxiety; COVID-19; effort; job search; dream job


论文原文:Gabriel, A. S., MacGowan, R. L., Ganster, M. L., & Slaughter, J. E.(2021). The influence of COVID-induced job search anxiety and conspiracy beliefs on job search effort: A within-person investigation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(5), 657. DOI: 10.1037/apl0000926







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