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The role of beauty as currency belief in acceptance of cosmetic surgery and career aspirations among Chinese young women
<The Journal of Social Psychology>2011, 161 (3)
[Abstract] The current study tested the "beauty as currency" hypothesis in the framework of Objectification theory with a sample of Chinese young women. Four hundred and four college women completed a pencil-and-paper questionnaire. We hypothesized that beauty as currency would be associated with acceptance of cosmetic surgery and career aspirations through the serial meditation of self-objectification and body surveillance. The results indicated that self-objectification and body surveillance mediated the relation between women's belief in beauty as currency and acceptance of cosmetic surgery. Body surveillance mediated the relationship between beauty as currency and career aspirations. These findings provide further evidence for the "beauty as currency" hypothesis, suggesting the feminine beauty ideology may lead to women's higher acceptance of cosmetic surgery and lower career aspirations via the self-objectifying process. Our study provides some implications for understanding the effect of women's ideologies on gender system change.
[Key words] Acceptance of cosmetic surgery; Chinese women; beauty as currency; body surveillance; career aspirations; self-objectification.
本文是对论文《美貌作为货币信仰在中国年轻女性接受整容手术和职业抱负中的作用(The role of beauty as currency belief in acceptance of cosmetic surgery and career aspirations among Chinese young women)》的一篇论文解析,该论文于2021年5月发表于美国《社会心理学杂志》(The Journal of SocialPsychology)第161卷第3期上,由中国武汉大学心理学系Wenjing Wang,Xiaobing Zheng,Xiaodong Yue和Nian Zhong四位学者合作完成。
论文原文:Wang, W., X., Zheng, X., Yue, X., et al. (2021).The role of beauty as currency belief in acceptance of cosmetic surgery and career aspirations among Chinese young women. The Journal of Social Psychology, 161(3), 351-362. DOI: 10.1080/00224545.2020.1842314