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COVID-19大流行和新员工参与:与失业率、州限制和组织任期的关系 ... ...

已有 855 次阅读2021-8-19 19:53 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:时尚天地分享到微信


The COVID-19 pandemic and new hire engagement: Relationships with unemployment rates, state restrictions, and organizational tenure


Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(4)




[Abstract] The purpose of this article is to simultaneously advance theory and practice by understanding how the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic relates to new hire engagement. Prior research suggests starting a new job is an uncertain experience; we theorize that the COVID-19 pandemic creates additional environmental stressors that affect new hire engagement. First, we hypothesize that the occurrence of COVID-19 and unemployment rates relate negatively to engagement. Second, we theorize that the effects of the pandemic become more disruptive on new hire engagement as they gain tenure within the organization. Third, drawing from strategic management theory, we test whether States that introduce stronger COVID-19 policies help enhance the engagement of new hires. Examining a U.S. national sample of 12,577 newly hired (90 days or less) quick service restaurant employees across 9 months (January–September, 2020), we find support for these hypotheses. Subsequent model comparisons suggest there may be health stressors that shape engagement more strongly than purely economic stressors. These findings may be important because they highlight the experiences of workers more likely to be exposed to the pandemic and affected by COVID-related policies. Should the results generalize to other samples and jobs, this study offers potentially new research directions for understanding relationships between macro stressors and new hire perceptions and socialization. It also offers practical implications by helping organizations understand the importance of explicitly managing job insecurity, particularly in terms ofCOVID-19 policy.

[Keywords] new hires, job search, socialization, recruitment, engagement


论文原文:Ployhart, R. E., Shepherd, W. J., & Strizver, S. D. (2021). The COVID-19 pandemic and new hire engagement: Relationships with unemployment rates, state restrictions, and organizational tenure. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(4), 518–529. doi: 10.1037/apl0000917.








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