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Sexual Consent at First-Time Intercourse: Retrospective Reports from University Students in Canada and the United States
【摘要】目的:我们调查了第一次性交 (FTI) 的背景是否与 FTI 的内部同意感受和外部同意沟通有关。 方法:来自加拿大和美国大学的大学生(n=1020)回顾性报告了他们的FTI。 结果:使用结构方程模型,我们发现参与者FTI的背景(例如年龄、避孕药具使用)预测了他们的内部同意,进而预测了他们的外部同意交流。 结论:性健康教育应强调FTI中性同意的这些背景相关性。 尽管FTI具有文化优先性,但其他早期性经历也应优先考虑同意。
[Abstract] Objectives: We investigated whether the context of first-time intercourse (FTI) was associated with internal consent feelings and external consent communication at FTI. Method: College students (n=1020) from universities in Canada and the United States retrospectively reported on their FTI. Results: Using structural equation modeling, we found that the context of participants’FTI (e.g. age, contraceptive use) predicted their internal consent, which in turn predicted their external consent communication. Conclusions: Sexual health education should highlight these contextual correlates of sexual consent at FTI. Despite the cultural primacy of FTI, consent should also be prioritized for other early sexual experiences.
[Key words] Sexual consent; first-time intercourse; sexual debut; sexual health; structural equation modeling
论文原文:Malachi Willis, Tiffany L. Marcantonio, Kristen N. Jozkowski, Terry Humphreys & Zoë D. Peterson (2021). Sexual Consent at First-Time Intercourse: Retrospective Reports from University Students in Canada and the United States. International Journal of Sexual Health, 33 (2): 109-122.