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Preparing for the Worst: Attention is Enhanced Prior to any Upcoming Emotional or Neutral Stimulus
【关键词】 选择性注意、干扰抑制、威胁、厌恶、准备效应
[Abstract] Do people allocate more or fewer attentional resources when preparing for negative emotional visual stimuli to appear? In three experiments (total N = 150), participants performed a change-detection task while expecting a neutral, threatening, disgusting, or joyful stimulus or no stimulus to appear at a fixed moment. Responses to an infrequent dot probe were faster when participants were expecting a distracting stimulus. Importantly, although only negative stimuli impaired change-detection performance, there was no difference between the preparation effect for threatening and neutral stimuli (Experiment 1) or disgusting and joyful stimuli (Experiment 3). The preparation effects were also unaffected by the participant’s anxiety level. Experiment 2 confirmed that the threatening images affected performance when the dot probe appeared after the image. These results suggest that the visual system increases alertness in response to any upcoming stimulus and further imply that the effects of emotional stimuli largely occur after, but not before, the stimuli appear.
[Keywords] selective attention, distractor inhibition, threat, disgust, preparation effect
论文原文:Makovski, T. , & Chajut, E. . (2021). Preparing for the worst: attention is enhanced prior to any upcoming emotional or neutral stimulus. Psychological Science, 32(2): 256-266. 095679762096361.