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COVID-19期间的工作家庭策略:研究有小孩的双职工夫妇的性别动态 ...

已有 624 次阅读2021-6-14 12:23 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:家庭生活分享到微信


Work-family strategiesduring COVID-19: Examining gender dynamics among dual-earner couples with youngchildren 



【Abstract】There are severalexisting typologies of dual-earner couples focused on how they dually managework and family; however, these all assume that couples can outsource childcareduring normal work hours and that work is largely conducted outside of the home.Early attempts to control COVID-19 altered these assumptions withdaycares/schools closing and the heavy shift to remote work. This calls intoquestion whether couples tended to fall back on familiar gendered patterns tomanage work and family, or if they adopted new strategies for the uniquepandemic situation. We addressed this question using a sample of 274dual-earner couples with young children. We content coded couples’qualitative responses about their plans for managing childcare and workcommitments and used these codes in a latent class analysis to identifysubgroups. Seven classes were identified, with 36.6% of the sample usingstrategies where women did most or all childcare, 18.9% of the sample usingstrategies that were not clearly gendered or egalitarian, and 44.5% of thesample using unique egalitarian strategies. We also obtained data from 133 ofthese couples approximately 7 weeks later regarding their well-being and jobperformance. Results suggested that women in the Remote Wife Does It All classhad the lowest well-being and performance. There were nuanced differences betweenthe egalitarian strategies in their relationships with outcomes, with theAlternating Days egalitarian category emerging as the overall strategy thatbest preserved wives’ and husbands’ well-being whileallowing both to maintain adequate job performance.

论文原文:Shockley,K. M., Clark, M. A., Dodd, H., & King, E. B. (2021). Work-family strategiesduring COVID-19: Examining gender dynamics among dual-earner couples with youngchildren. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(1): 15-28. DOI: 10.1037/apl0000857







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