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When tonight is notthe night: Sexual rejection behaviors and satisfaction in romanticrelationships
James J. Kim , Amy Muise , John K. Sakaluk, Natalie O.Rosen, and Emily A. Impett
Abstract: In mostlong-term romantic relationships, partners experience sexual conflicts ofinterest in which one partner declines the other partner’s sexual advances. Weinvestigated the distinct ways people reject a partner’s advances (i.e., with reassuring,hostile, assertive, and deflecting behaviors) in Studies 1 and 2.Using cross-sectional (Study 3) and daily experience methods (Study 4), weinvestigated how perceptions of a partner’s rejection behaviors are linked withthe rejected partner’s relationship and sexual satisfaction. We found robustevidence that perceived partner reassuring behaviors were associated withgreater satisfaction, whereas perceived partner hostile behaviors wereassociated with lower levels of satisfaction. Perceived partner responsivenesswas a key mechanism underlying the effects. Findings for assertive anddeflecting behaviors were limited, but the effect of deflecting behaviors wasqualified by levels of hostile behaviors for sexual satisfaction. Findingsprovide the first empirical investigation of the specific ways partners candecline one another’s advances to preserve satisfaction.
Keywords sexual rejection, satisfaction, closerelationships, sexual communication, responsiveness
论文原文:Kim, J. J., Muise, A., & Sakaluk, J. K., etal., (2020). When tonight is not the night: Sexual rejection behaviors andsatisfaction in romantic relationships. Personality and Social PsychologyBulletin, 46(1), 1-15. DOI:10.1177/0146167220907469