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辱虐管理差异与员工产出:嫉妒、怨恨和不安全团体依恋的作用 ... ...

已有 441 次阅读2021-3-27 13:51 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


摘要:当员工经历诸如辱虐管理之类的不愉快事件时,他们通常依靠其工作团体来获得意义和社会支持。然而,研究也表明,上司倾向于对同一团体内的成员进行不同程度地辱虐(即辱虐管理差异,ASD)。作者认为,这种行为威胁到了员工对工作团体支持的社会情感纽带和依赖。具体来说,ASD 会导致“自我与他人”的负面比较,从而削弱个人与整个团体的社会情感关系,尤其是当一个人比其他成员遭受更多辱虐时。基于依恋/依附理论,文章构建了一个个体层面的概念模型,通过两种形式的不健康“个体-团体”关系,即团体依恋焦虑和团体依恋回避,将对 ASD 的认知与员工产出联系起来。两项研究的结果显示,团体依恋焦虑和回避是解释 ASD 认知效应、超越群体身份认同的独特因素。尽管两种依恋模式均中介了 ASD 对心理痛苦的作用,但团体依恋回避主要中介了对退出意向的影响,而团体依恋焦虑则主要中介了对人际偏差的影响(研究 2)。此外,研究 2 表明,对其他群体成员的怨恨和嫉妒解释了为什么ASD 认知会导致团体依恋焦虑、依恋回避和随后的结果。最后,文章发现,当一个人对其暴露于辱虐管理的感知更强烈时(相对较少而言),ASD 认知的间接影响危害会更大。文章也对团体依恋理论的启示以及理解 ASD 的情感做了讨论。

Abstract: When employees experience distressful events such as abusive supervision, they often rely on their work group for sense making and social support. However, research also shows that supervisors tend to differentiated abuse members of the same group (i.e., abusive supervision differentiation, ASD). We argue that this behavior threatens an employee’s socioemotional bond with and reliance on the work group for support. Specifically, ASD drives negative comparisons of “ self versus others ” that diminish one ’ s socioemotional relationship with the group as a whole, particularly if one experiences more abuse than others. Drawing on attachment theory, we develop an individual-level conceptual model that links perceptions of ASD to employee outcomes through two forms of unhealthy person-group bonding — group attachment anxiety and group attachment avoidance. The results of two studies show that group attachment anxiety and avoidance uniquely explain the effects of ASD perceptions, over and above group identification. While both attachment patterns mediated the effects of ASD on psychological distress, group attachment avoidance primarily mediated the effects on quit intentions, and group attachment anxiety primarily mediated the effects on interpersonal deviance (Study 2). In addition, Study 2 demonstrates that resentment and envy towards other group members explain why ASD perceptions lead to group attachment anxiety, attachment avoidance, and subsequent outcomes. Lastly, we find some evidence that the indirect effects of ASD perceptions are more detrimental when one perceives greater (vs. less) personal exposure to abusive supervision. We conclude by discussing the implications of group attachment theory and targeted emotions for understanding ASD.

Ogunfowora, B., Weinhardt, J. M., & Hwang, C. C. (2021). Abusive Supervision Differentiation and Employee Outcomes: The Roles of Envy, Resentment, and Insecure Group Attachment. Journal of Management, 47(3), 623–653. DOI: 10.1177/01492063198620







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