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<Journal of Management, 2021,47(2)>






In light of recent heightened attention to equity, justice, and race in society and organizations, in this commentary, we focus on the experiences of Black management faculty from job search to promotion and tenure. In formulating our ideas, we draw from diversity research conducted within and outside of the management field, including research on minority faculty, coupled with experiences of our own and of Black colleagues. We discuss race-based disparities in such areas as mentoring, social networks, job market experiences, classroom management and student evaluations of teaching, and service demands. We offer suggestions for allies to pursue equity, justice, and inclusion in management departments and business schools.


参考文献:Miller, T. L. 2020. Hold the Torch: Shining a Light on the Lives of Black Management Faculty, Journal of Management, 47(2), 351367.






Organizational theory recognizes reputation as a central element to understanding the firm. Examining investor valuations of 1,676 initial public offerings (IPOs) in the United States from 1990 to 2011, we find that reputation transfer through an association of an IPO firm with a venture capital (VC) firm represents a resource whose value can increase/decrease over time depending on investors valuations of prior IPOs funded by a VC firm. We conclude that the impact of reputation transfer through association is not unidirectional but, instead, is to be viewed in the context of prior reputational development of organizations the focal firm is associated with. Furthermore, we find that three transfer enhancers can improve the impact of VC firm reputation transfer on IPO valuations, including the VC firms past experience intensity, the diversity of IPO experiences, and the number of prior syndicated IPOs involving the VC firm as a lead investor.


参考文献:Chahine, S. et al. 2020. Success by Association: The Impact of Venture Capital Firm Reputation Trend on Initial Public Offering Valuations. Journal of Management, 47(2), 368-398. 






This study advances voice research by offering a social-relational view of the drivers of voice, a theoretical approach to voice that is seldom considered within the current paradigm largely focused on personality traits, job conditions, and organizational characteristics. One overlooked yet important social-relational antecedent of voice is received respect. Our core premise is that when employees believe they are respected by coworkers, they experience psychological changes to their control beliefs (representing can-do proactive motivation) and positive mood (representing energized-to proactive motivation), which then motivate voice. We further consider another social-relational variableperspective takingas a predictor of received respect and therefore as an indirect predictor of voice. Through a multimethod, multisample research program comprising four studies (two experiments involving more than 400 subjects in total, a sample involving more than 700 matched employee-coworker and subordinate-supervisor dyads, and a 9-week within-person field investigation of more than 400 university alumni), we provide evidence to support the proposed model. That is, received respect was associated with employees voice through control beliefs and positive mood, and perspective taking was a prominent predictor of received respect.


参考文献:Thomas W. H. Ng, 2020Received Respect and Constructive Voice: The Roles of Proactive Motivation and Perspective TakingJournal of Management, 47(2), 399-429.







Business and demographic trends are conflating to bring language issues at work to the forefront. Although language has an inherent capacity for creating interpersonal bonds, it can also serve as a means of exclusion. The construct of linguistic ostracism encapsulates this phenomenon. Drawing on ethnolinguistic identity theory, we identify how linguistic ostracism influences two interpersonal work behaviors: interpersonal citizenship and interpersonal deviance. We conduct a set of studies that uses multisource data, data across time, and data from three countries. Our results reveal that linguistic ostracism was associated with the enactment of lower interpersonal citizenship behaviors and higher interpersonal deviance behaviors. We find that disidentification served as a mechanism to explain why linguistic ostracism resulted in interpersonal citizenship behaviors and interpersonal deviance behaviors. Furthermore, linguistically ostracized employees with low (vs. high) social self-efficacy engage in fewer interpersonal citizenship behaviors and greater interpersonal deviance behaviors. We discuss theoretical implications associated with the phenomenon of linguistic ostracism and the implications for managers working in linguistically diverse organizations.


参考文献:Fiset, J. 2020. Mind Your Language: The Effects of Linguistic Ostracism on Interpersonal Work Behaviors, Journal of Management, 47(2), 430455. 






Although the appointment of politicians to corporate boards is a highly prevalent corporate political strategy, empirical evidence remains inconclusive as to whether and how such appointments create value for firms and their shareholders. Drawing on the director role literature, we argue that politician-directors are likely to serve as valuable resource providers but are less likely to serve as guardians of shareholder interests. In light of this trade-off, investors will infer the expected value of politician appointments on the basis of the director role that they perceive as most needed by a particular firm within the specific institutional context in which it is embedded. We test our predictions using an extensive data set of 345 separate appointment events across 14 countries over a period of 10 years. Our findings show that politician appointments are associated with both resource-provisionary benefits and governance-based costs but that the perceived level of corruption in a country critically conditions both. Specifically, perceived corruption can be seen to function as a double-edged sword that increases both the expected benefits and the expected costs of politician appointments.


参考文献:Nayal, O. I. et al 2020. Ties That Bind and Grind? Investor Reactions to Politician Appointments to Corporate Boards. Journal of Management, 47(2), 456487. 






Replication is an essential part of any science, confirming or adjusting our understanding of the world through repeated exploration of a phenomenon of interest. While there has been an increased interest in the role of replication studies, there also exists skepticism regarding the need for more replication. Our empirical analysis of 406 recent studies that use the term replication suggests that this criticism stems from a lack of appreciation of the different forms that replication can take, the prevalence (or lack thereof) of many of these forms, and the objectives that are met by one of the least common forms, constructive replication. As such, the purposes of our paper are (1) to explore the different forms that constructive replication can take and the objectives at which each can be directed, (2) to distinguish these forms from other forms of replication with which they are often confused, (3) to determine how common each form of replication is in our field, and (4) to provide concrete examples of different forms of constructiveness from published studies in order to pave the way towards more (and more useful) replications in the future.


参考文献:Köhler, T. and Cortina, J. M. 2020. Play It Again, Sam! An Analysis of Constructive Replication in the Organizational Sciences, Journal of Management, 47(2), 488518. 







Theory and conventional wisdom suggest that progressive reduction of feedback-seeking behavior (FSB) during entry is indicative of work adjustment. We argue that a downside of this process is that newcomers social integration and acculturation may be weakened. This suggests declining levels of FSB may result in decreased organizational commitment across time and ultimately greater turnover likelihood. These predictions were examined in two longitudinal studies (Study 1, N = 158; Study 2, N = 170) among newcomers. In both studies, FSB by supervisor inquiry was found to decline across time, and the decrease in FSB preceded a steeper decline in affective organizational commitment. In Study 1, the decline of commitment also resulted in a steeper decrease in FSB. Study 2 further found the decline in commitment to mediate the relationship between the decrease in FSB and increased turnover intention. Finally, increased turnover intention mediated the relationship between the decline in commitment and increased turnover the following year. Bridging research on FSB and organizational commitment, these findings shed new light on the influence of the dynamics of FSB on newcomer turnover.


参考文献:Vandenberghe, C. et al. 2020. A Dynamic Model of the Effects of Feedback-Seeking Behavior and Organizational Commitment on Newcomer Turnover. Journal of Management, 47(2), 519544.







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