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COVID-19疫情期间工作-家庭边界的变化:使用潜在转换分析(Latent Transition Analysi ...

已有 868 次阅读2021-1-13 23:22 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:健康养生分享到微信

(Latent Transition Analysis)检查预测因素和影响

由于COVID-19疫情,世界各地的员工在工作和家庭角色上都经历了突然、重大的变化。然而,应用心理学家对员工的工作-家庭冲突和工作-家庭增益是如何受到这一事件的影响,以及组织如何确保员工在这样的社会危机中更好地发挥作用的理解是有限的。采用以人为中心的方法,我们研究了从COVID-19疫情爆发前后员工工作-家庭边界的转变。首先,在研究1中,我们使用潜在剖面分析(N = 379;疫情前数据),确定了双向冲突和增益的分布,包括有益的(低冲突和高增益)、主动的(中度冲突和增益)和被动的(低冲突和增益)。在研究2中,利用COVID-19疫情前和疫情期间收集的数据,我们重复了研究1的概况(profile),并探究在疫情期间员工是否会在工作-家庭状况(work-family profiles)之间转换。结果表明,尽管许多人仍然处于疫情前状态,但有相当一部分受访者出现了积极(从主动/被动到有益)和消极(从有益到主动/被动)转变。如果人们有较高的(工作-家庭)分割偏好、投入于情感为中心的应对方式、经历较高的技术压力、以及没有那么富有同情心的上司,那么他们更有可能经历负面的转变。反过来,在疫情期间,消极的转变与消极的员工后果相关(例如,较低的工作满意度和工作绩效,以及较高的离职意图)。我们讨论了在当前和未来社会危机中,对未来研究和管理的影响。

Employees around the world have experienced sudden, significant changes in their work and family roles due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, applied psychologists have limited understanding of how employee experiences of work-family conflict and enrichment have been affected by this event and what organizations can do to ensure better employee functioning during such societal crises. Adopting a person-centered approach, we examine transitions in employees' work-family interfaces from before COVID-19 to after its onset. First, in Study 1, using latent profile analysis (N = 379; nonpandemic data), we identify profiles of bidirectional conflict and enrichment, including beneficial (low conflict and high enrichment), active (medium conflict and enrichment), and passive (low conflict and enrichment). In Study 2, with data collected before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, we replicate Study 1 profiles and explore whether employees transition between work-family profiles during the pandemic. Results suggest that although many remain in prepandemic profiles, positive (from active/passive to beneficial) and negative (from beneficial to active/passive) transitions occurred for a meaningful proportion of respondents. People were more likely to go through negative transitions if they had high segmentation preferences, engaged in emotion-focused coping, experienced higher technostress, and had less compassionate supervisors. In turn, negative transitions were associated with negative employee consequences during the pandemic (e.g., lower job satisfaction and job performance, and higher turnover intent). We discuss implications for future research and for managing during societal crises, both present and future.

参考文献:Vaziri, H., Casper, W. J., Wayne, J. H., & Matthews, R. A. (2020). Changes to the Work-Family Interface During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Examining Predictors and Implications Using Latent Transition Analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(10), 1073-1087. doi:10.1037/apl0000819







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