章莹颖案再度延期 嫌犯将于2019年4月接受审判
Is it a Good Thing to Stay Judgment?
If Christensen has used a large dose of psychotropic drugs already, the judge should only give the decision to "cancel the trial".
According to the concept and point of view, the degree of mental illness of perpetrator decision the degree of mitigation punishment.
If according to the related diagnosis, confirm Christensen has mental illness, but can recognize the event and distinguish the proson and object, only reduce the punishment. After a year of trial and no medical measures, it is an increase in psychotropic drugs for one year, obviously, it is not a positive legal system.
Only in the case of confirming that Christensen's spirit is completely normal and bear all the legal responsibilities, the delay of trial is to extend the time to the parties. in that way, how do you explain Christensen's taking clonazepam?
If according to the modle of Japanese legal system, the cause trouble of mental illness,the coercive stability from court decision, the postponement of trial at here, whether the punish is mitigate or aggravate, all the full power decision from court, It can be considered,the members of the court of justice in Japan include experts in mental medicine and social medicine, no lack experts of the science and technology of micro-harassment and micro-interference.
The definition of Psychotropic drugs on law: To make the person addictive. The deferred trial is good or bad?