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改口不改口 随你便 Change Your Words or not, Do it As Your Pleases 新闻评论 . ...

已有 1237 次阅读2018-1-22 08:24 分享到微信

改口不改口  随你便


改口不改口 随你便 Change Your Words or not,  Do it As Your Pleases   新闻评论 .  ..._图1-1

蔡英文改口不改口并不重要,只是马晓光一定要改口。“台办新闻发言人马晓光表示,我们对台的大政方针是明确的、一贯的,没有改变”。 实际却是 PRC 对ROC 的政策几经大改,从“解放台湾”到“一国两制”,再到“放开3通”……。没准过几天又要有调整和改变。

ROC 总统蔡英文的“没有人排除武统的可能性”,是概念不是真理。比如,习近平总统就可能改变“武统”,上次辽宁号航空母舰走了海峡航道,随同出海的 PLA 海军司令吴胜利,回基地后即被免职。是不是可以说,如果走外海道,“吴司令”的的称呼还要用上一阵子? 这次 PRC 的天安门升旗仪式,由武警部队调换成了 PLA 部队,这是不是一大改变? 这应该是国家武装力量宗旨的具体化,如果 PLA 这也不干那也不干,就有可能突然出来“打台湾”。知道不,习近平不是一个人,是代表了一大批的人。

或许你可以说“武统台湾”,他也可以说“联合国宪章”一定要维护,“枪杆子里面出政权”是无益于人类和社会的,PRC & ROC 应该同时拥有 UN 席位……。


Change Your Words or not,  Do it As Your Pleases

Not important is Tsai Yingwen changed her words or no, but Ma Xiaoguang shoul do his change. "Taiwan Affairs Office spokesman Ma Xiaoguang said, our fundamental policy to Taiwang  is clear and consistent, no change". Actually, that is the PRC's policy on ROC, from "Liberate Taiwan" to "one country, two systems", and then to "open 3 channels  "... Maybe there are some adjust and change in a few days.

"No one has ruled out the possibility of military unite" from TsaiYingwen of the ROC President, that is a concept and not is the truth.. For example, President Xi Jinping may change the "Wu Tong", Last time the Liaoning aircraft carrier throug Taiwang Channel, Wu Shengli, the commander of PLA Navy, who together to sea. when return to base, he was dismissed the Official position . Is it possible to say that if you go the outside seaway, "Commander Wu" also called for a while? This time PRC's Tiananmen Flag Raising Ceremony, changed by the armed police troops  to the PLA troops, is not this a big change? This should be the materialization of the tenet of the state armed forces. If the PLA does not take this nor that, they may suddenly come out  to "Hit Taiwan". Do you know, Xi Jinping is not one people, he is represents a large number of people.

Perhaps, you can say "Wutong Taiwan", he can also say "the Charter of  United Nations we must maintain", "the political power grows out of the gun and battle", is not conducive to the human and society, PRC & ROC should have the UN seats at same time.....








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