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已有 999 次阅读2017-7-17 05:43 分享到微信




非常感谢 Sinovision.net 给出了“刘晓波曾在2010年荣获诺贝尔和平奖”,尽管这样会给世界留下诺贝尔奖可以和犯罪互涉的印象,掩蔽了刘晓波的同行、校友从妒忌心理出发,罗织词文,胁迫独断,里应外合,硬将刘晓波予以毁灭的可能事实。未足够重视诺贝尔奖从诞生之时,就是在和形形色色的犯罪争斗中向前的。

Thank you very much for the Sinovision.net send out "Xiaobo Liou was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010",  although there will give the world a impression that the Nobel Prize and crime can intervened each other,  cover up the possible facts of colleagues and alumni, from jealousy Nobel Prize, woven words, arbitrary coercion, act from inside and outside, hard to destroyed Xiaobo Liou, ignoring the Nobel Prize from birth, that is forward in the struggle to all kind of crimes.



Sinovision.net 给出的文字可以看出,刘晓波是跟着共和国的节奏成长的。他和祖国之间的隔阂,让他在77年高考跨进了大学。这种隔阂让他提出了《08宪政》《中华联邦》……。原本他可以“更上一层楼”大抓一把诺贝尔奖的欧元美钞,只是被某一种力量阻挡了……

On the words from Sinovision.net you can know, Liu Xiaobo is growing follow the rhythm of PR.China. There is an already between he and the motherland, the already make him pass examination enter university at 1977. That already make him put foeward <08Constitutionalism> and <Chinese Federal> Originally he could "go to the next level" big catch the Nobel Prize of Euro Dollar bills, just by a certain force to blocked ...




Perhaps in version of the People's Republic of China put forward "Chinese Federal", that is lost face, but you see, test the long-range missiles along to Taiwan land, wages 4 times rise, electricity price(?), army equipment and military exercisedemolition the large roundabout traffic change to lights, more than the total population of real estate build…you will ask a problem: where is Liu Xiaobo wrong? Nobel Prize can not underestimate.





Editor of Sinovision.net should look at the problem through a barrier,If  really there is a system of network monitoring, looking at the real time of Internet 15 years ago that is super value, it can completely restored the impression of current net pages produce it, in addition you can understand the crowd correctly, you will more beneficial to know the society and yourself of those Internet surveillance, Telecom business and Network management .




In his <Inaugural Address>, President Donald  Trump directed to us: "Explore mysteries of the sky, remove disease for mankind" , This is a very good human trajectory, it is worth the effort and struggle of many people.




<08 onstitutionalism> and <Chinese Federal> can not coordination and the existing political system, and it's not going to thrown away, I believe that the sage will think and evaluate it slowly.



(not is the end)







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