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Should Get the Support, Ye or No ?

已有 942 次阅读2016-11-7 06:55 分享到微信

Should Get the Support, Ye or No ?



More then 10 years ago, I put on the earthquake relief disaster, can use nuclear explosion limit the time and domain. on the Internet, discussed to the friends from Europe, the USA. All the net friends, mostly surprise , support and improvement, basically did not encounter the negative and refute. Just very unexpected is, my posts often deleted and tampered by. During this period, there were happened many times great earthquakes on the earth, face to the 10 thousand of Wenchuan and 20 thousand of Haiti death people, completely indifferent, ye or no a kind of crime ?


I also proposed use the PN junction ultraviolet, and plus minimally invasive technology, take all the AIDS patients death not. Also put forward,,,,


The presidential election in the USA only a day, Very much hope that the great election can contribute to the success of these things. The United States is the first to use the power of world's science and technology, design and manufacture of  Atomic Bomb successful,  and is the only country there is practical experience. If follow the United States is a positive solution, the use of American political support, will be the biggest support. Hope you election out a fine Persident, to promote the "earthquakes disaster" and "AIDS death not". Perhaps the world's kindhearted people, the United States and the world more AIDS patients, is to count on your votes.


Don't care who is the USA President, very care about that support the scientific cause of the USA President!


PR.China: Tsaokuohua = 曹国华 = 320602520830201







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