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The World Is Getting Smaller and&nb
World Is Getting Smaller and Smaller
The earth on today is the earth on yesterdayg Why do we say that the
world is getting smaller and smaller Ⅱ
The first reason. The car and train, plane make it easily that we go to
anywhere in the world. We can be able to get to New York by air from ShangHai
in several hours. A handred years ago, the trip would cost two months. We can
arrival in Beijing by train from Shang Hai in one day. a few handred years ago,
the trip would cost us sevearal months.
The second reason. We are working and studing with many people. We must
get along with many people. We conect with more peopel, because we need more
help than before our grand pearens need, and grandgrand farther and mother
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world is seen smaller and smaller. Because we can be able to anywhere easily,
we conect with a great number people. Sevaral handred years ago, human being
can't do this, so they see the world so big.