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装潢漂亮的 Temperley London and ALICE by Temperley Sample Sale (Up to 80% off) - 12/1

已有 3031 次阅读2010-12-12 02:17 |系统分类:女性世界分享到微信

WHAT: Temperley London and ALICE by Temperley Sample Sale ZoeShopsNYC / 小毛儿的团儿

先介绍一下这位设计师和她的品牌:"Alice Temperley grew up in Somerset, on her parent’s cider farm before moving to London to attend university. Temperley graduated from the Royal College of Art and Central Saint Martins before setting up her company, Temperley London, together with her then boyfriend (now husband) Lars von Bennigsen in 2000.She is well known for her focus on beautiful fabrics and hand-finishes and has been hailed as "the designer making the biggest waves in British fashion' by American Vogue.
Temperley London produces four collections per year: Autumn/Winter, Cruise, Spring/Summer and Pre Fall. These include Ready-To-Wear, Black Label (exclusive evening gowns and cocktail dresses), Beach, Accessories, Bridal. The designer has 4 stand alone boutiques in London, New York, Los Angeles and Dubai. Additionally, Temperley London is sold in 300 stores in 37 different countries. In 2007, Temperley London launched a Bridal department with a boutique next-door to its London flagship store. The headquarters are based in Notting Hill, London adjacent to the designer's home.Temperley hosted her first fashion show in Notting Hill, London in 2003. In 2005 she moved her fashion shows to New York where she has showed since, with the exception of the Spring Summer 2009 show in 2008 in London. For the Autumn/Winter 2009/10 show Temperley hosted a two-day presentation simultaneous with an online multimedia video launch rather than a traditional catwalk show." -- By Wikipedia
WHY: Up to 80% off Temperley London & ALICE by Temperley Pre-Fall 2010, Fall 2010 collections. Also includes bridalwear samples. (还包括婚纱 - 据说是装潢很漂亮的sample sale)Find the perfect coat or holiday dress (大衣,裙子)at this sample sale.

  • ALICE by Temperley Riley Coat: $250 (orig. $625)
  • Temperley London Mini Leona Dress: $398 (orig. $995)
  • Temperly London jacket: $880 (orig. $2200)
WHEN: 12/11 - 12/17, Sat (11-7), Sun (noon-6), M-F (11-7)
WHERE: 453 Broome Street. 2nd floor, New York, NY
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