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Helmut Lang Sample Sale (简单而又成熟) - 12/10-12/12

已有 4288 次阅读2010-12-10 15:59 |系统分类:女性世界分享到微信

WHAT: Helmut Lang Sample Sale ZoeShopsNYC / 小毛儿的团儿
先介绍一下这个牌子: "The Helmut Lang fashion brand was created by Austrian fashion designer Helmut Lang(born 1956) in 1986. Lang was known for his minimalist, deconstructionist, and often severe designs. The Helmut Lang brand still exists today, but has been carried on without Mr. Lang's involvement since 2005. The Helmut Lang brand became famous in the late 1980s for its simple but refined designs, its slim suits in black or white, its denim collection, and the use of high-tech fabrics. Helmut Lang fashions were sold in upscaledepartment stores and through select retailers, as well as in signature Helmut Lang stores around the world. In 1999, Lang entered into a partnership with Prada Group which resulted in the acquisition of the Helmut Lang brand by Prada in 2004, and Mr. Lang's departure from the label in 2005. Prada, however, struggled with the brand and consequently sold it to Link Theory of Japan in 2006. Link Theory re-launched the Helmut Lang label with new designers in 2007. Since then, Helmut Lang fashions have been available again at upscale department stores and signature Helmut Lang boutiques worldwide. " - From Wikipedia
WHY: Women’s Clothing at a discount at the Hemut Lang sample sale.
Prices include
  • Accessories: $49

  • Blazers: $199

  • Denim/Pants: $79 - $99

  • Dresses: $99 - $159

  • Leather pants: $199

  • Leather/Outerwear: $349

  • Shearling: $799

  • Skirts: $79

  • Sweaters: $149

  • Tanks/T-shirts: $49 - $59

  • Tops/Shirts: $89

  • Vests: $199Specific price points include
    • Flippy Skirt was $255, now $79
    • Fur Vest: was $655, now $199
    • Tucked Tank was $125, now $49
    • Cowl Neck Top: was $230, now $59
    • Shirt: was $255, now $89
    WHEN: 12/10 - 12/12, F (8-8), Sat-Sun (10-6)
    WHERE: 139 Fifth Avenue, 2nd floor; (Between 20th & 21st Streets), New York, NY (212.398.2777)
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