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Co-recommendations of Zhang Zhensheng as the candidate of UN Secretary-General f

已有 3294 次阅读2016-6-28 17:35 分享到微信

Co-recommendations of Zhang Zhensheng as the candidate of UN Secretary-General for better reforms and innovation
Dear President of the UN,
As we know, The Secretary-General of the UN plays a vital role, not only in safeguarding world peace, but also in the continuous global development in the long term. We believe that the best candidate should be anyone who can show integrity and righteousness, who knows the meaning of humanity towards peace, regardless of country, gender, age, as long as he or she has the ability to solve worldwide disputes and other difficulty such as terrorism and nuclear weapons and so on, and we believe Zhang Zhensheng is the right one.
World leaders and the public should be fully aware that, the Secretary-General can stop the third world war in case of the another catastrophe for all human beings, as wars can lead to millions of deaths and numerous economic losses. Therefore, the United Nations secretary-general should be careful selected. 
We are a group of journalists who deem ourselves masters who can positively influence the global development and peace.  After decades of research and investigations, we found our fellow Zhang Zhensheng is a good candidate to recommend. He holds a good sense of management strategy, he has provided many useful multinational suggestions, he even did vital contribution in the process of dealing with worldwide disease- "human influenza, foot and mouth disease, avian flu". therefore, he was received three patents issued by the country. Besides, he is a anti-corruption warrior who was being assassinated by bad people for nine times, many famous medias such as "CCTV", "Radio and Television", and local newspapers recommended him to be the Top Ten Touching People in Fuzhou and national moral models candidate. He had achieved a number of world-class level achievements, and we believe that he is capable of being the candidate of the United Nations Secretary-General and other consulting roles. He also has the following attributes:
1. He has done many useful research on how to effectively carry out reforms and innovation in the UN, in order to make all members in the UN act in according with the laws and regulations.
2. He designs many useful suggestions for global issues such as terrorism, overpopulation, the problem of refugees, anti-corruption, ecology, climate, poverty, and so on.
3. He is diligently in using his ability and strategy, to make a harmonious, lawful, fair, world, to address in time and improve the whole situation in the long term.Therefore, we recommend him.

Best regards

Referrers: journalists Wushao Yao, Chen Yang Ming, Chen Yirong, Wei Hannai, Huang Rongsheng, Deng QiWei, Zhang Wenbo, Zhang Jingqiu, Zhang Zuren, Chen Minghua, Chen Guorong, Chen Wang, etc.

Address: Room 602, Building 1, Jianfa Garden, sancha Street, Cangshan district, Fuzhou, Fujian, China. 

Tel: 18259182553, 13313785736, 0591-83412862, 
13110796486, 13685000822, 13514067236, 

Contact: Zhang Zhensheng (alias Zhang Yishi)
 Zip Code: 350007







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