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福州张振生联合国 建言Goodadvice to United Nations

已有 1532 次阅读2015-11-20 00:51 分享到微信

                          福州张振生联合国 建言Goodadvice to United Nations


Currently, theUnited Nations has not been given enough authority and power of discretion,there should be reforms on the aspect of policy, system and rules so as tosolve worldwide problems.


First of all, theGeneral Secretary of the United Nations should be transferred into thePresident of the UN, and all eligible worldwide leaders can take the role byrotation. Then the President of the UN can manage worldwide issues inaccordance with the UN Constitution. If there were any presidents or primeministers founded violating the laws, making wars or disable to govern thecountry and resulting in civil strife, for those who cause more than 1000casualties, the President of the UN has the right to take legal votes todismiss the unqualified ones and then take another round of vote to reelect anew qualified leader to avoid further civil war or even the third world war. Thereform scheme is as follows.


1.    Theworld would share economic development together, gradually achieve both politicsand economic integration. The UN should specify its constitutions to allow nocountries to sell illegal weapons or engage in nuclear test. The funds ofproducing nuclear weapons should be spent on improving domestic andinternational human being’s welfare. Moreover, UN shall organize people tovisit countries which have civilized and harmonious life as well as makinggreat contribution to the world, these countries’ leaders should also be givena reward, recommended and trained to be the next UN president.

2.    Thejoint-military exercises should be abandoned. All the army forces should bedispatched under UN’s management. The army should be mainly used to deal withterrorism, piracy, drug trafficking, smuggling, firefighting and other rescuegroups.

3.    Anycountry’ scientific development should benefit the whole world. Nuclear weaponsall over the world should be gradually destroyed. In the future, countriesshould not be allowed to manufacture nuclear weapons.

4.    Any countryshall not sell weapons but use them only for self-defense. Selling weapons isonly to kill people; anyone can blame such brutal behavior. The President ofthe UN has the right to take legal votes to dismiss the unqualified ones andthen take another round of vote to reelect a new qualified leader to avoidfurther civil war or even the third world war.

5.    Permanentlyeliminate wars. Anyone who launch the civil war or other forms of aggression,provoke invasions, intentionally make the first move is a sinner, all the worldleaders should unite to punish him or her. The UN has the right to confiscatethe evil weapons to protect the world.

6.    Theworld shall be moving towards democracy, harmony, civilization and peace. Otherwise,whenever the third world war is on, nuclear weapons can destroy the earth seventimes, the consequences are unbearable.


Author: Zhang ZhenShen (Chinarenowned advisor and expert), also named as Zhang Yi Shi

Phone: 18259182553

Tel: 59183412862

Address: Room 602,Block 1, Jianfa Garden,Sancha Street,Cangshan district, Fuzhou, Fujian.


There arethousands of people who recommend Mr. Zhang Zhen Shen to win the Nobel PeacePrize, for his great contribution on promoting world peace; he has beenendeavored in holding activities to advertising world peace every day, everymonth, and every year.



Chen Yang Ming,phone: 18705061395

Chen Yi Rong,phone: 13685000822

Zhang Jing Qiu,phone: 13655029110

Wu Shao Yao,phone: 15359165708

Wei Han Nai,phone: 13514067237

Gan Xiao Heng , phone:15377935855







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