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A Question Of Honour
Ebbene? ... N'andrò lontana,
Come va l'eco della pia campana,
就让那 虔诚 的钟声回荡四周
Là, fra la neve bianca
回 荡在那 白色的雪中
Là, fra le nubi d'or
回 荡在那 金色的云朵里
Là, dov'è la speranza, la speranza
回荡 在那飘渺的 希望之中
Il rimpianto, il rimpianto, e il dolor!
到处都是 遗憾,悔恨和(无尽的)悲伤
Ebbene? ... N'andrò lontana,
Là, dov'è la speranza, la speranza
在那 虚无和缥缈 的希望
Il rimpianto
Sola e lontana!
Two men collide
两 雄 相 争
When two men collide, when two men collide It's a question of honour
一 场 荣 誉 的 对 决
Two men collide When two men collide, when two men collide
It's a question of honour
Two men collide When two men collide, when two men collide
If you win or you lose,
不管你 是赢或输
It's a question of honour
为了荣 誉要奋斗
And the way that you choose,
我明白 是你选择
It's a question of honour
为了荣 誉而奋斗
I can't tell what's wrong or right
我 不 知道 什么是
If black is white or day is night
黑白不分 是非颠倒
But I know when two men collide
但 我明白 两雄相争
It's a question of honour
誓为 荣誉 而奋斗
If you win or you lose,
不管你 是赢或输
It's a question of honour
为了荣 誉要奋斗
And the way that you choose,
我明白 是你选择
It's a question of honour
为了荣 誉而奋斗
If you win or you lose,
不管你 是赢或输
It's a question of honour
为了荣 誉要奋斗
And the way that you choose,
我明白 是你选择
It's a question of honour
为了荣 誉而奋斗
I can't tell what's wrong or right
我不 知道 什么是
If black is white or day is night
黑白不分 是非颠倒
But I know when two men collide
但 我明白 两雄相争
It's a question of honour
誓为 荣誉 而奋斗
Ebbene? ... N'andrò lontana,
Come va l'eco della pia campana,
Là, fra la neve bianca
Là, fra le nubi d'or
N'andrò, n'andrò sola e lontana!
我马上 要离去 孤独远行!
E fra le nubi d'or!
让那钟声回 荡 天际!