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已有 1590 次阅读2011-12-22 14:09 | 联邦, 信息 分享到微信

Your normal life expectancy is very short compared to Beings like ourselves, who are in the higher dimensions. Nevertheless you pack so much into it and virtually everyday brings new challenges, which all together make for experiences that speed up your spiritual evolution. There is no other place exactly like Earth that constantly offers such a multitude of experiences, and they can be exceptionally testing and call for strong powers of endurance. The people of Earth astonish us with their determination to succeed, by overcoming each challenge that presents itself. You are truly the victors in the battle between the Light and Darkness for the souls upon Earth. No matter how long it took you were always going to overcome the dark Ones, and it was after all decreed that this cycle would bring a firm result in your favor.


All that remains before you reap the rewards of your victory, is to remove those who would still spoil the celebrations if they could, but will not be allowed to do so. It is why you should not experience fear upon learning of the attempts that have been made to start a Third World War. We of the Galactic Federation have full authority to stop any such attempt, and our allies are briefed to intervene on our behalf. A number of events are still on track to completion over the month, and will give you the opportunity to see the beginning of the end of the powerful individuals that are the Illuminati. There is no escape for them and we have them in our sight the whole time, and there is no hiding place that we are unaware of. So you see Dear Ones there is no need to waste your energy worrying about their presence or what they are up to. The day has come when they shall be stripped of their powers and ill-gotten gains obtained at your expense.


The Creator gave all of you the freewill to determine your experiences, and over many lives there is not much that you have not tried. Now you are much the wiser for it and most of you have held on to your Light, and never let it fully diminish. You now stand proudly with your Light shining out like a beacon, that is lighting up other people's lives. The awakening goes on at full speed ahead, and many souls are beginning to understand the purpose of life. It is the realization that you are more than your body, and that life is infinite and that you have your being in the energy that is God. This also leads to the acceptance that you are All One, and you can see all souls are interconnected and make up the whole. It teaches you that judgment is unjust and unwise, because you do not know the circumstances that have led to a soul taking a certain path in life. Indeed, most of you do not know your own background, beyond perhaps having a flashback to a previous life.


Life is a mystery until you reach a higher dimension and have acquired a greater degree of consciousness. Some things are still beyond your comprehension as you are now, and we sometimes have difficulty in finding adequate or sufficient words to convey the truth to you. All will however become clear before very long, as you who are to ascend will have that greater level of onsciousness that you need to do so. It is in fact time for you to be brought into the higher levels, and your upliftment over the next few years will be staggering compared to what it is now. You will eventually join us as equals and we will welcome you back to where you really belong.


We wish you to carry forward the energies that are building up in the expectation of an unusual year of achievements, that will go down in your in remarkable history as one of astounding success. This energy will determine how quickly the end of duality comes into being, as all time lines are flexible. However, some that are leading to the most important issues that you are experiencing, are well developed and nothing will stop them from manifesting. Disclosure is still most essential to the greater development that opens up opportunities for us to meet openly with your leaders. They know us as we have been in touch for a long time, but we have observed their right to make decisions on behalf of their people. As we see them and what they are doing, they may be considered as not in your best interests, but we must allow freewill choice. However, we also answer to the pleas of the people, and peace is very much sought, after year upon year of incessant wars. We promise you that every attempt to start another world war will fail, and we will do all we can to promote peaceful relationships.


To us your treatment at the hands of your leaders begs an explanation, as to why so much energy and resources are wasted on unproductive activities. Used in the correct way you could easily have lived in comparative luxury, as there would have been more than enough to go round. You shall in fact experience the truth of that statement, as we will re-distribute wealth and ensure that your resources are correctly used. Along with new technologies that have been denied you for many years, you will find life so satisfying and fulfilling. Even then you will by no means have reached the ultimate level, where life becomes one that is blissful, joyful and complete happiness. It will take time to reach it, as clearly not everything can come all at once. As you grow into the grand Cosmic Being you are destined to be, the levels of upliftment will come to you.


So my friends do your best not to be distracted by the problems arising from the cleansing that has already commenced, or the last gasp from those who are part of the Illuminati and are fighting to the very end. Always remember that your success is guaranteed, and all of you who desire to ascend will do so. Also do not concern yourself if events do not turn out as you believe they should, as the most important issue is Ascension. We remind you that it is unique and will be quite an experience to say the least.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and closely following events that are taking place on Earth. We do in fact monitor your T.V. programs, but our interest really focuses upon your world news services. We understand the games being played out and the statesmanship that goes with it, but we also know the real purpose behind them. We are not fooled which is why negotiations with us will be positive and carried out to the letter, as we have your interests at heart. May you receive all that you would wish for others.



Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.
Website:Tree of the Golden Light


Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation


Update for Dec. 20, 2011

12 Ix, 7 Mol, 8 Manik

Dratzo! We return! You are now in the midst of a global dilemma: your surface world is drawing ever closer to its shift into a 5-D unified reality, but those in charge of your world, despite efforts by many to depose them, remain defiant of the disaster that is swiftly approaching. We have sent out emergency calls to our Earth allies to start the actual process of arresting those in your various governments who are responsible for maintaining the fiction that your world can somehow weather the storm and survive. This is blatantly false! So far, we have received word from our Earth allies that the final stage of their takedown scenario is beginning. The coming year of 2012 requires new governance and the formal termination of the unending plots and stratagems of the dark cabal. It is time for prosperity, the return of your sovereign rights, and disclosure. It is also time for an open dialogue with us to begin on a global basis. There is so much that needs to be said by each one of you and by us, and so much needs to happen prior to your move to Inner Earth and your transformation into full consciousness.

     We are setting up alternatives to the arrangements that various nations and several secret sacred societies are making to alter the political and economic topography, while continuing to fully support those noble efforts. Our aim in so doing is to stress the urgency of completing that task as soon as possible. Heaven has decreed that we are to begin a greater degree of intervention when your New Year strikes. We accept this as the sacred command to see to it that your world moves forward and is truly ready for your fully aware leap to full consciousness at the divinely appointed time. In anticipation of this, we are making a much closer inspection of the current batch of intrigues within all your global nations. Certain immediate changes are to be made and certain appointed individuals are to be sworn in to their new positions by a divinely designated time. Our role here is to carry out the sacred commands of Heaven and of Lord Surea. We come to you now in peace and with the fully authorized mandate of Heaven.

    The progress our Earth allies are making is heartening. Nevertheless, we know that more is possible. We have been in conference with the Agarthan ruling council to ascertain the best alternative course to pursue if our Earth allies cannot complete within the time schedule we have given them. The Ascended Masters have also been advising us on what they believe is presently possible. From these discussions we came up with a new overall plan for implementing the changes with maximum efficiency, reviewed all options assiduously, and took them to our Main Ruling Council in the Vega star system. The result is that the Council has given us a wider scope of action, formally permitting us to increase our level of direct intervention in the process of bringing you quickly to full consciousness. Heaven has told us to make absolutely sure that the divine plan is achieved as the Creator has so instructed. Hence, we are setting up action teams to prepare this fleet for first contact.

   Our first contact mission has been through many phases since it was first begun in your Gregorian year of 1991. At first, we deeply felt that this mission should be carried out under the close advisement of our Agarthan cousins and your Spiritual Hierarchy. This changed after 1996 when we helped your Spiritual Hierarchy prevent a massive galactic disaster involving a great bolt of energy from the area of the super nova of 1987. At this point, our mission changed and we began to work closely with the then-disparate groups, which we now call our Earth allies, to prepare your world for our formal arrival and your move into full consciousness. This course was altered, again, by the events known to you as 9/11. Now, we have received a mandate from Heaven and our Governing Council to return to a much-modified version of our original mission. The time comes to intervene and assist with the official removal of your dark cabal. A timetable that we cannot reveal to you is now ticking. First contact is getting very close.

     Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Many legal processes are moving quickly forward. We have made numerous agreements with over 100 of your governments and have obtained guarantees from a number of major militaries to overthrow those de facto governments still strongly aligned to the dark cabal. We are also in the middle of securing the orders for the delivery of blessed St. Germaine's prosperity funds, which will be global in scope. Simultaneously, various government and military personnel will be taken into custody, thereby bringing down a number of major governments in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. We now await the imminent completion of the international court documents which will enable us to carry out, legally, this much-needed coup de grace of the old order. Once done, you will be released from under the 13-millennia-long heel of the dark, and your longed-for goal of full consciousness can take center stage in your lives.

     We know how difficult and frustrating this year has been for you. But it is more important now than ever to dig deep and maintain focus! With all that is going on in the world, it is easy to lose it. We Ascended Masters have had to develop amazing degrees of inner focus to succeed in our primary goal of becoming a pure and well-serving instrument of the Divine. We know it is one thing to say these words, and quite another to accomplish them. And in this regard, we cannot overemphasize the power of your inner spiritual focus. Yes, it has been diluted by the dark's emphasis on providing you with an incessant panoply of economic, political, and emotional diversions. But these are deliberately staged with the aim of hindering your exploration of your immense innate potential, and this is why we counsel you to ignore the dark's distractions by means of a daily practice or quiet time.

     During your quiet time, envision a beautiful place of inner peace, which can be your haven or retreat as often as you wish. Here, you can dream and visualize your deepest desires. Gradually let the details build up around this goal, or goals, and focus in on how it feels to live it. See it happening. Notice how your environment changes and how differently you feel about yourself living there. Then, with total trust, give it over to Spirit. You can refer to it briefly in your daily quiet time, but in essence, you let it go, knowing that Spirit will manifest your goals. Remember you are a powerful Being, and once you command Spirit to deliver what you deeply and truly desire, thy Will is to be done! The same applies to collective action. The trick is to live with the confidence and the knowing that it is already happening, and not to be diverted by the negativity of the dark.

     Today, we brought you another message. The moment swiftly approaches when some amazing developments will be manifested before you. Use your great-inborn powers of focus to strengthen the collective momentum and bring these things rapidly to fruition! We are with you! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Sheldan Nidle 12月20日《正式允许银河联邦更大程度干预》

我们回来啦!你们现在处于一个全球困境的中间:你们的地表世界更加接近转变进入统一的5D现实,但那些仍然掌控你们世界的黑暗集团,尽管有那么多努力在让 他们下台,但继续借用着让灾难就要来到进行挑衅。我们已经给我们的地球盟友发送了紧急的消息,要求他们开始针对那些在各政府中继续维持假象应该负有责任的 人进行实际的逮捕行动,从而让你们的世界能够渡过难关,幸存下来。这是明目张胆的谎言!到目前为止,我们已经接到来自我们地球盟友的话,说最后步骤的拆解 下台场景正在开始。即将到来的2012年要求新的政策,以及黑暗阴谋集团无休止的阴谋和谋略的正式终结。是时候开始繁荣,是时候将你们的主权权利还给你 们,是时候开始大揭露了。也是开始你们与我们之间就全球基础公开谈话的时候了。你们和我们的每一个人都有那么多要说,在你们移进内部地球和返回全意识之前 还有那么多需要发生。

我们正在设立一系列安排的替代方案,各国和几个神圣秘密社会正在努力改变目前的政治和经济形势,同时我们也会继续完全支持那些崇高的努力。我们这样做的目 的是加强尽快完成任务的紧迫感。天堂已经颁布法令在你们新的一年来临的时候我们可以进行更大程度的干预。我们将此视为神圣的命令,观察着你们的世界继续向 前,并准备好了让你们在被指定的神圣时间点完全觉察到意识飞跃向全意识。就在期待这些的时候,我们再一次的仔细检查了你们全球各国的阴谋诡计。在神圣的制 定时间点,某些立即的变化将发生,某些指定的个人将被任命到新的岗位上。在这里我们的角色是执行来自天堂和主Surea神圣的命令。我们和平的来到你们的 中间,并且受到来自天堂的完全授权。

我们的地球盟友正在进展的进程是振奋人心的。然而,我们知道进展更多是可能的。我们已经同阿加森执政委员会进行了会议,确定一旦我们的地球盟友没有能够按 照我们给定的时间表完成任务可以替代的最佳方案。扬升大师也认为这种情况的发生目前是有可能的。通过这些讨论我们完成了一份新的总体方案,这份方案将以最 高效率实施变革,我们审查了我们认真钻研的所有选项,并将他们带回了我们的主要的执政委员会所在的织女星系。委员会建议我们可以进行更广范围的行动,正式 允许我们提高在将你们快速带回全意识状态过程中的直接干预程度。天堂已经告诉我们务必完全确保按照造物主的指示完成神圣计划。因此,我们正在建立行动小 组,准备第一次接触的船队。






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