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已有 1150 次阅读2011-12-7 14:43 分享到微信


Let it be said that there has never been such pressure placed upon the dark Ones as there is now. It will remain relentless until they resign, or we have removed them to where they can no longer interfere with your progress. There are signs that there organization has become fragmented, and that will make for a quicker end to their activities. They are also being denied access to their ill-gotten wealth, that will eventually be re-claimed and fairly re-distributed. Eventually there will no longer be the poorest of the world that are kept in poverty, and all shall have whatever they need to live a peaceful and happy life. Greed and selfishness will have been eradicated, and with that will come a lasting peace for all people. Following that the technological benefits that we have brought you, will raise peoples living standards a lot higher. It will continue until you have no further material needs, and you will eventually live on the Light that completely surrounds you.


There are many inventions by your scientists that have been prevented from being manufactured. Ones that would immediately lift up the quality of your lives. Many are connected with supplying free energy, and we shall remove all restrictions and help market them as quickly as possible. Each step forward will free you from the thraldom and controls placed upon you by the dark Ones. We also see a great coming together of all people and any remaining barriers will be removed, and particularly so where religious interests are concerned. In reality on a higher level there are no differences at all, and you will understand the true meaning of being your brothers keeper. It comes down to having a deep love for all life, and seeing it as One. The idea of "Them and Us" will no longer have any basis in truth, as all will be treated fairly and seen to enjoy the benefits and fruits of the Earth.

有许多来自你们科学家的发明被阻止着,不允许大量生产。这些其实可以很快提高你们生活的质量。许多是与【自由能源】有关的,我们将清理所有限制,并且尽可能快的把它们推入市场。前方的每一步都将把你们从由黑暗势力制造的奴役与被控制中解放出来。我们也看到所有人类的巨大联合力量,所有的遗留障碍都将清理,特别是那些宗教的利益。 事实上在更高的水平根本不存在任何分别,你们将懂得作为人类兄弟守护者的真实含义。这来源于对于所有众生的深层的爱,把它看作一个整体。这种“他们的,我们的”想法在真相中将不再有任何基础,所有人都将被公平对待,共同享有地球的利益与成果。

You are entering a period of instability but it will not last too long, and if where possible people help others there will be no lasting impact. The idea of every person working only for their own salvation, is egotistic and only a survival tool. You will not need to go to such extremes, as we shall also be on hand to assist you. That is why disclosure is very important as once our presence is known along with our true purpose, we know that we can join forces with you. We shall guide you all the way to Ascension, and still be with you after the key upliftment at the end of the year 2012. We are as much of you as you are us, and your true history will show how much we are connected together. There is really no difference between us, and it is only the higher vibrations that separate us. We are at the level you are heading for, and once you reach it you will be quite different to what you are now. Your greatest asset will be your high level of consciousness, that will be Cosmic in nature.


The changes that will come during the next twelve months, will be nothing compared with what will follow. Your evolutionary levels will take a quantum leap, and you will take your place along side us. We are your family, and before long you will learn a lot more about your background and relationship to the Galactic Federation members. All manner of different civilisations are represented upon Earth, and through your experiences you will take back to them knowledge that will prove to be very valuable in their services to up and coming civilisations. You are just completing your time in duality, but there are other civilisations in Universes outside of yours that have not yet completed theirs. Just like Humanity they will evolve quicker if they are helped, and that will appeal to some of you and represent a mission that you would volunteer to undertake. Service to others is the natural way of things once you ascend, and no soul would hold back the help it could give others. You who have travelled far along the path of Light, are already feeling the pull to give of yourselves for the betterment of other souls.


Have confidence in your own ability, because you can do much more than you imagine. You are in any event going to be co-creators where your new Earth is concerned. Your love is all-powerful and as you share it with your fellow Man so you uplift that soul. It is a healing energy that is only bound by the level of your own vibrations, and as you go through the coming year it will substantially increase. There will be healing facilities placed on Earth in due course, but in time even these will no longer be required. You have so much to gain by sticking to your intent to ascend, and will be totally lifted out of the lower vibrations. Already many of you feel uneasy when you are in areas of a low vibration, so you can imagine how we at an even higher level feel the heaviness that exists. It is to us a really uncomfortable feeling.


Many time lines are converging at present and it suggests that once we are able to commence manifesting our plan, there will be a whole series of events over a relatively short period of time. All we can ask of you is that you keep holding onto your vision for the future. That way you will be helping to maintain its energy and all will take place to everyone's satisfaction. Timing is as ever extremely important, but we will not reveal dates until it is completely safe to do so. Once we are in charge we can then confide in you as to what we are doing, and indeed you will gradually be working more with us and will have a need to know.


We do have people from Earth visit our craft, but in most cases they have little or no waking memory of it. They are usually ones who are already working with us, and visits that are purely for pleasure will have to wait until more secure times. Of necessity, our allies are our most frequent visitors including some who are your top Statesman. We have many people who are in positions of authority that fully support our mission. However, until the dark Ones are no longer a danger to them, they keep a low profile. You can sometimes get the mistaken impression that we have little support, but that is far from the truth and it is from all parts of the world.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and enjoy the wave of cheerfulness and anticipation that is generated this time of the year, as many prepare for the festivities that will soon be upon you. Humans seem very resilient, and although many of you are living on little income you seem to be able to rise above it. It is greatly heart warming to see the goodness and caring, that comes from so many of you who are determined to bring some joy and happiness into the world.



Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website:Tree of the Golden Light


Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

 11 Ahau, 13 Yaxk'in, 8 Manik       

Selamat Balik! We return! The cords that tie your reality together are rapidly dissolving and transforming into the grids of a new one. Initially, this new one is manifesting various debacles that are churning things up in every corner of your world, and this is to be expected as the miasmas of the past are purged. Many of your realms in ages past have been wiped out by the thunderous might of the Anunnaki as they froze, flooded and burned your societies in an effort to expunge the memories of your fully conscious origins. On each occasion, the Anunnaki chose a group of survivors to 'stock' the next reality (by means of memory trauma held within the DNA) with the 'fodder' necessary to endlessly repeat these patterns of destruction and genocide down through history. This attempt to bury your memories of your former, higher state of consciousness was only partially successful and was unable to induce the complete adulation and acquiescence desired by your dark overloads. Your ineradicable inner path was kept alight by Spirit for the day when all of you would be returned to your former state of glory.
      This 'fling' in the trials and tribulations of limited consciousness is nearly over, and you are being brought through the last stages of the fear and illusion that the Anunnaki's minions concocted for you. Be brave and wise, and know that you are fully capable of seeing through these last shenanigans. New institutions are starting up quietly in the very smoke thrown up by the dark's contrived incidences. Secret groups with positive agendas are working with the Ascended Masters to bring your new world into the Light while the dark that oppresses you is lifting. Rejoice, and understand what this truly implies. You are practically free of those whose arrogance and chicanery has had you imprisoned in a world which, from the outset, was only an exercise for Spirit. You have won through and are ready to show the universe what you are capable of. Your space and spiritual families enfold you in Love and blessings and the time for our collective revelry is close at hand!

      Gaia knows what is happening to you. She realizes that several very significant events are close and that these will transform your global societies. We understand that it is natural for many of you to seek comfort in your religious traditions, and we wish to acquaint you with many things that will enable you to see that these traditions are only a start toward a fuller understanding of what is occurring. You are on the brink of a vast abundance, and your psyche is to be freed from its old limited-conscious ways, bringing you to an expanded view of how your world works. This clash of perspectives is something we are fully prepared to reconcile. Your Ascended Masters learned, during their long journey toward immortality, ways to effectively introduce you to a new and broader outlook, and this is to be their prime contribution to our first contact mission. It is time for you to move from a limited to a fully conscious view of Creation and physicality, and it is logical to learn from those who acquired wisdom from the Earth school, as you are doing.

      First contact is an enormous consciousness changer, one which will provide a huge boost to your transition into a galactic human. What is needed is a way to accomplish this incredible feat in a quick and painless fashion. We consulted with our Agarthan cousins to discover how the dark Atlanteans had originally reduced you to limited consciousness (in order to provide reliable fodder for the dark). Their process of unplugging most of your DNA stripped you of all but survival capabilities and cut you off from your joyous connection with the Divine. Now we need to reverse this damage by knitting your DNA back up and bringing your sacred abilities back on line. Together with the Agarthans we have perfected a Light chamber for each of you, which deftly turns back on, or off, those elements that will reopen your channel to full consciousness. Once this is done, you will be pristine, whole, fully conscious Beings again, and can rejoin your galactic fellows in assisting Heaven to unfold the Creator's plan for physicality. Such joy awaits each of you!

      Blessings to you all! We return! We are your Ascended Masters! Gaia's present reality grids continue to collapse, and as they fall, new grids for the fully conscious reality get closer to their inevitable manifestation. This means that a definite timetable for moving all of you blessed souls into full consciousness is being established. The dark cabal remains as unyielding as ever, and thus the time for 'desperate measures' quickly approaches! Our many associates are busy brainstorming and drawing up plans for achieving this end. The cabal, meanwhile, broadcasts its supposed 'solutions' to its many financial crises, while in truth dreading the approach of the moment when it will be forced to surrender power to the Light. To this end our Agarthan liaisons daily remind these wrongdoers of the need to let go and face their just desserts. In anticipation of this, the legal system of your world prepares the instruments of this huge accountability scenario.

      We are living in a sacred moment indeed! The end times are in their final throes! In this regard, our galactic and spiritual families are preparing the path for your move into the 5th dimension, as reuniting a partitioned Earth is the dream of both Heaven and Gaia. For nearly 13 millennia, Gaia has had to embody the dichotomy of a 3-D surface and a 5-D inner world and longs to return to her monopolar, unified Self. This of course necessitates that you, too, swiftly transform into fully conscious Beings. These Beings possess the innate ability to participate in the magical 5-D world of your near future, which is the one we occupy. Our divine goal is to welcome you all to your immortality and the beautiful realm of full consciousness. Every day we send forth our blessings of hope and joy as the time comes to manifest these sacred desires.

      Much movement is afoot to bring all that we are talking about to fruition. Despite its outer calm demeanor, the dark is in total panic over what it sees inexorably marching toward it. The Heavens have opened and a grand force, much greater than anything previously known to these dark ones, has set its lucid sights upon them. It will not be long before their grandiose visions of a never-ending empire are thrust with much glee into the proverbial dustbin of history. Our galactic and spiritual families come not only to introduce us to a new, wondrous consciousness, but also to invest us with membership in the grand union of the Light. This operation is in its last stages. We await the utter joy that will overcome us as we welcome our family and celebrate your new status as fully conscious Beings.

      Today, we continued our study of Gaia and her people. We are very ready to bring to completion what all of you in your own way have so magnificently begun. First contact is an inevitable event and is being carried out in answer to the call of Heaven. This call is now being answered and a new reality begun! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)















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