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已有 1490 次阅读2011-10-9 21:41 分享到微信


My dear, we have talked in the past about what will happen in the future. Well, it is happening now, though some still refuse to acknowledge that it is happening all around them. The energy changes will continue to raise the consciousness and you will link, once more, with all that is and ever will be. Open your minds, seek the answers you need. You will find them. It is time to return to the fold. Circumstances removed you and kept you ignorant of your true identity and destiny. To become at one with the universe once more, is inevitable. It must happen. It will happen. Everything is in place to make it as smooth a transition as is possible. The Dark have lost their overall control. They are floundering as on the deck of a sinking ship. Their removal is essential, they cannot exist in love and light. The role that they play on the world stage must cease. The false persona they display to the masses will be revealed. The masses are awakening to the light, they are finding their voices. They come together as one; by doing this, they create the energy for the big changes to be put in place. Always keep in mind that this is your planet. You now choose to return it to the light. It can be done peacefully, your strength is in numbers. The Dark will crumble, they cannot exist without you; whereas you do not need them. This fact is dawning on you as you come together to reclaim what is yours.


There will be turbulence as Earth changes take place. Know that what will happen is what is meant to happen. We will prevent  -  as much as possible  -  anything that the Dark might do to cause fear. They have nowhere to hide, we have seen to that. As more of you understand what is really happening, you will see the police and armies waking up to the fact that they are responsible for trying to destroy their own people. They, too, will join the masses. The Dark will lose this support that has kept them in power. People will come to see through the propaganda. They will realise that without their support, the Dark's false monetory systems will fail. It will be exposed. Without this, they are nothing at all. All the help you need will be available to you. You will be given technology that will be enormously important to you and is beyond your understanding at this point in time. Life on Earth will be totally different when the control is lifted. The scaremongering will cease and the power crazy will find themselves exposed. The fact is that their false belief in their tribal supremacy has brought about the chaos you now find yourselves in. To them, I say that their end is nigh.


To the masses, I say, stride forward with peace in your hearts and you will inherit the Earth. You will need help to remove all the toxins that were used to damage your Earth and your food supply. We will introduce you to new ways to overcome all the difficulties you face. Nothing is insurmountable.



Beware of false gods who will try to take control. They will promise much, but know that they want you as their slaves. Do not fall into such a trap. Many also pretend to be guided by great masters, etc. It is often their own ego demanding attention. We do not have masters here. We have great minds of the past who have experienced life on Earth with all its trials and tribulations and who are now best placed to assist you.


Love and truth is what you most need. It has been in short supply but all that will change as good people come together.


We have guests, my dear, who have travelled far to assist you. You must attend to them. Trust that all is in hand. Learn to accept all the genuine help that is offered, as you struggle to cope with all that is expected of you. It will be good when we will be among you. Then we can personally thank all those who have assisted in getting the truth out to the people. We surround all of you with love and light.


My dear, I am ever at your side as I continue to prove. I remain your adoring husband, Monty.




The time is at hand when each of you must take responsibility for yourself and those who are dependent on you. Together, you have the strength to bring down those who have oppressed you. This can be done without resorting to violence of any sort; peaceful demonstration is all that is required. You are the victims of corporate greed. This is a crime against humanity. Look at those in control: they cause recessions and depressions at a whim. Ask, "What do they all have in common?". It is time to open your eyes and face the truth. Examine carefully what is being done to you, right in front of your eyes. This is global. It has got to stop. They have removed all your rights. It's only through all of you coming together that you will release yourselves from these oppressors. Because you have been in bondage for centuries, you have never known anything else: you accepted it as normal. Their mission is to destroy you, so by not taking action you are allowing them to do so.


They have acquired much of the world's gold; if they fail in their plans, then they believe they can just go off-planet with the gold. This is what they came for in the first place. We have created a barrier to prevent them leaving with your gold. Their time is up. It's time for them to go and allow mankind to reasses everything, then to set up a new system of banking and government that will bring equality, irrespective of race or creed. The changes that we are putting in place will make all this possible. This has been in the planning for a long time. They will cause a certain amount of destruction before they leave. It will not be easy for them to walk away from the financial empires they built at your expense. They do not want peace. Their money is made through war. The truth is ugly but it must be faced so that you can move on. They must be seen for what they are; exposed for all to see in their true colours. They have remained hidden for far too long. Their rule is over. They created a false scenario. They lived by it. They created laws to prevent people from questioning it. It is based on an HISTORICAL MYTH.


More than 60 years ago when I wrote, "A MISSION INTO TOMORROW", I could see, way back then, the changes that must happen; though at that time, I was unaware of my own mission. Now, I oversee these changes from this side of life. You, alone, knew me. You saw the real Monty. You understood on a very deep level that I had a mission to fulfil. You assisted me in all that I did, always at my side to protect and to love me. You still do, my dear. Some pretend to know Monty, and make stupid statements about how they knew better than you, how I would speak from this side of life. No one ever knew me better than you.


Preparations must be made so that you can assist others when the massive changes begin. Those who have rejected the truth up to now, will find themselves in a wilderness of confusion and fear. Fear must be quelled. This is most important as the Cabal are experts at creating situations that create maximum fear, to hold you in their control. I tell you that this is your one opportunity to escape to the freedom of the light. There is a timescale, it is months not years.


People in the US are waking up. They are speaking out peacefully. They are demanding truth and justice. Your whole world is waking up. They are seeing the light of truth. There is talk of creating a "LOCKDOWN" in the US to control the people. You all live in police states, no matter where you live. You have stood by and watched your freedoms removed for your own safety. How could you have believed that LIE. It is to control you. Together, you must support each other through these trying times. You were never meant to live like caged animals.


Wake up to who you are - beings of light, whose light was deliberately dimmed. Do not accept the false statements made by religions. They say that you were born in sin. This is a gross injustice when inflicted on innocent babies who were born of love. Their control is crumbling. They are being exposed, and as the shackles fall, you become free of their tyranny. It is my mission to expose the corruption so that you can use your free will without fear of repercussions.


Many of you are having difficulties at this time. Some of you respond to the new energy more easily, while others choose to remain locked into the fear, where money - or the lack of it - consumes them. It is with patient understanding that you will help them to see the light. Many marriages are going through this. Continue to love; gently show by example that this is just a period of great change. Everything will come right when the Cabal are removed forever and prosperity returns to everyone, not just the Elite. Love will win the day but patience is required.


Come together in love and harmony whenever possible. You have experienced the wonderful energy created at David Icke's talks. It's nothing short of a miracle how he can create, through communication, such love and harmony. You see it and you feel it: the change this one man - against all the odds - has achieved. He is an example to all honest people who want to live in the light. When the history of this period is written, his name will be written large. He will be revered. He has given his life to lead you to the Light. He is a guiding light for all who seek the truth and his work will live forever - a truly great man.


Each one of you has a role to play at this time of change. Be there for each other. Together, my dear, we will succeed. Your adoring, Monty.









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