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Seeking a Answer to an Economic Riddle of the World (Dongcai Zheng)

已有 2424 次阅读2013-8-11 22:19 | activities, additional, commercial, currency, deposits 分享到微信

It is almost a general consensus in economics that an amount of High Energy Currency (Base Currency) will create multiple deposits through the commercial activities of the commercial banking system. As a result the commercial banking system will create additional multiple currency.  Against this theory there is a riddle.

Assuming an American company and a Japanese company are both selling their products in Europe.  Each of them gain $1 billion, (all amounts serve as example only).  The American company deposits the money into a bank in America.  Through an independent commercial banking system in America $6 billion bank deposit is created.  Out of the $6 billion of currency $5 billion remains in America.

The Japanese company deposits the money into a bank in Japan. Through the corresponding system $5 billion deposit is created.  In this case $4 billion remains in Japan.

The question is: Does the Japanese banking system creates US Dollar, and at the same time creates $4 billion of international currency within Japan?

There are two possible answers.

The first answer is that Japanese commercial banking system cannot create International currency of US Dollar. In this case while a $6 billion deposit created by the commercial banking system in America means a creation of $6 billion currency,      the $5 billion deposit created by the commercial banking system in Japan is not currency created. In this case what is the difference between the US Dollar deposit created through the commercial banking system in America and the US Dollar deposit created through the commercial banking system in Japan?

The second answer is that the Japanese banking system does create $5 billion of US Dollar currency, with $4 billion remains in Japan.  The logic is consistent with that of American banking system creates US Dollar currency.  However in this case with the sales of $1 billion of products by a Japanese company, $5 billion international currency becomes available in Japan.  This International currency can be used to buy products worth $5 billion from the international market.  Therefore any company in Japan can spend $1 billion for products outside of Japan from the $5 billion deposit.  Since this $5 billion is real currency and the rest of $4 billion remains in Japan it becomes an advantage for the company to do so through international trade.  It is not only the commercial banking system in Japan can create international currency, but those in England, India or Malaysia can also do so.  Would it drive all countries in the world to create international currency?

It is obvious that neither answer is satisfactory.  Is there a solution to the riddle?      (Dongcai Zheng) 


    假设一个美国商人和一个日本商人在欧洲市场上销售商品,都得到1亿美元的收入(文中数据都是假设的)。美国人将1亿美元存入了美国银行,通过美国国内一个相对独立的商业银行系统的业务,创造出6亿美元的银行存款,即创造了6亿美元的货币,其中有5亿在美国国内;日本商人把1亿美元的收入存入日本的银行,通过日本国内相对独立的银行系统的业务,创造出5亿美元的存款,其中有4亿在日本国内。现在要问,日本的商业银行系统是否也在创造美元,并在日本国内创造出4亿美元的国际货币?答案有二:一,日本的商业银行系统不能创造国际货币美元。那么,为什么在美国,相对独立的商业银行系统创造出6亿美元的存款就是创造了6亿美元的货币,而在日本,商业银行系统创造的5亿美元存款就不是货币呢?美国商业银行系统创造的美元存款与日本商业银行系统创造的美元存款有什么不同?答案二,日本商业银行系统肯定是创造了5亿美元货币,其中4亿在日本国内。这与美国商业银行系统创造货币在逻辑上就一致了。但这样一来,日本商人在国外销售1亿美元的商品,日本国内就能得到5亿美元(其中创造的是4亿美元)的国际货币,能到国际市场购回5亿美元的商品,当日本有人从这5亿美元存款中提出1亿到国外去花费了,而这5亿美元又是实实在在的货币,其余的4亿还在日本,这样世界贸易不是乱套了吗?因为不仅日本的商业银行系统能创造国际货币,英国、印度、马来西亚……的商业银行系统也能无中生有地创造国际货币,世界上所有的国家还不疯狂地去创造国际货币?可见两个答案都不能自圆其说,现求解这一难题。  郑栋才)







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