分享 love in a dream
Treysmooth 2011-7-24 18:36
In my dream, it was before sunset in an unfamiliar place, there were children playing in a sandbox and a few unoccupied swings still wavering with the wind. In the distance, the girl of my dream came running towards me, she wore a white dress, the wrinkles of her dress caught the remainder ...
1652 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 月河
Treysmooth 2011-7-24 05:17
月河,比我想象中要长~ 我偏要度过你,某天~ 做梦的人。。。都心碎 但是梦去哪里,我就去哪~ 漂流的两人~周游着世界 追的都是彩虹的那头 在那边等候 是我的朋友 月河。。。和我
1648 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 因为有你, 我才运动
Treysmooth 2011-7-24 04:56
1367 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 writing about nothing
Treysmooth 2011-7-22 02:04
ok, I was going to write about my views on true love at first. but the topic itself is overrated. instead, i'll write about something easy. first, the concept of blogging is like having an open diary so everyone and their mother can read it. i have held onto this opinion for quite some time now. ...
1458 次阅读|1 个评论

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